Multilingual text recognition in scanned documents with Transcribathon

09 October 2024

This workshop will be held on 9 October 2024 from 14:00 to 17:00 CET. Co-organised with CrossLang , Austrian Institute of Technology, and Facts&Files, it focuses on the use of OCR tools, specifically OCCAM, to create and validate transcriptions of scanned documents. Participants will learn how to upload transcriptions to a repository and display them on the AI4Culture platform. The workshop will also include practical exercises to guide attendees through the process of translating their transcriptions, making them accessible in multiple languages. Register now.



Correct and Edit HTR/OCR Results
(HTR = Handwritten Text Recognition; OCR = Optical Character Recognition)

Some of the stories of the Run have been processed with HTR and OCR. Although the accuracy rates are high, your review as transcribers would still greatly enhance the results. Make sure you save your work regularly by clicking the 'Save' button. If you are not satisfied with the layout recognition, you can create and edit layout elements manually. To learn how to do this, visit the Transkribus Help Center. After successfully completing the correction, please change the status of the item to "Completed".

The work you do in correcting HTR will also count for the run.


Stories to edit and review


FRAD063-007 Annet Jean SERVIERE

6 Items

Une citation à l'ordre de la réserve automobile des transports, une lettre de félicitation, un certificat de capacité valable pour la conduite, une carte de membre de la Fédération des Anciens Combattant et une carte de combattant. || Cocher de profession, fils de Michel SERVIERE et Marie ESPINAS. Recruté à Clermont-Ferrand (département du Puy-de-Dôme, France), classe 1899, matricule 731. Incorporé le 15/11/1900, envoyé en disponibilité le 27/04/1902 comme aîné de veuve. Soldat de 2ème classe, incorporé le 14/08/1914 au 99e régiment d'infanterie puis le 28/09/1914 au 50e régiment d'infanterie. Venu en renfort au 250e régiment d'infanterie le 13/10/1914 puis affecté au 4e escadron de train le 21/11/1915. Envoyé en congé de démobilisation le 23/02/1919 par le 13e escadron de train.

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Artikel in der Zeitung über Paoli Schwartz

3 Items

- Artikel über Paoli Schwartz - der lette deutsche Kriegsgefangene - Newspaper-article about Paoli Schwartz, the last German P.O.W. || || Other || Western Front || Imperial Forces || Transport || || Transport || Western Front || Imperial Forces || Other || || Western Front || Other || Transport || Imperial Forces

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Istraga o sarajevskom atentatu

9 Items

Knjiga Istraga o sarajevskom atentatu, fotografija L. Pfeffera sa suprugom Idom Salamon (iz Karlovca), uljni portreti L. Pfeffera i Ide Salamon || Leon Pfeffer bio sudac istrage o sarajevskom atentatu, a ujedno i očevidac prvog pokušaja atentata. Na dan atentata 28. lipnja 1914. prvo je bačena bomba na kolonu vozila kojom se vozio nadvojvoda Franjo Ferdinand, ali nije uspjela pogoditi njegovo vozilo. Pfeffer je prijavio da je bio očevidac toga događaja, pa su ga uzeli da istraže što se dogodilo s bombom. U međuvremenu se dogodio atentat na Franju Ferdinanda, pa je igrom slučaja Pfeffer zadužen za istragu o atentatu kao istražni sudac. Njegova istraga trajala je oko tri mjeseca. Nije dokazao da tadašnja srpska država stoji kao naručioc atentata. Njegove osobne bilješke postoje, ali ni dan danas se ne zna gdje su. Ima puno falsifikata iz tog vremena, raznih nazovi autentičnih papira o toj istrazi. Protjeran nakon istrage koju nije mogao provesti po službenoj dužnosti onako kako je trebao, da ga se riješe, kao personu non gratu i na njega je pokušan atentat. Oduzeto mu je i pravo da se bavi sudstvom. Napustio je Sarajevo, oženio se u Karlovcu Idom Salamon, gdje je radio kao knjižničar i vodio trgovinu svoga tasta. Pfeffer dvadeset godina nakon završetka rata objavljuje knjigu Istraga u sarajevskom atentatu , Zagreb : Izdanje Nove Evrope, 1938. u kojoj opisuje kako je tekla istraga i do kojih je rezultata dovela. Knjigu i njegove fotografije sačuvala je njegova unuka.

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PH042 Karel Frankl (Frankel) | ruský legionář

15 Items

Karel Frankl (Frankel), ruský legionář. Pocházel ze známé zpěvácké rodiny Franklů, kteří v 19. stol. zakládali jedny z prvních šantánů a byli obecně známou kulturní rodinou s přesahy do mnoha žánrů (hudba, divadlo, herectví atd.). Známý je především tvůrce kupletů F. J. Frankl. Původním povoláním byl Karel Frankl malíř pokojů. Do ruských legií přeběhl z rakouské armády v bitvě u Tarnopole (předtím než byl převelen na východní frontu žádal o vstup do francouzské cizinecké legie). V Rusku působil u 6. roty 5. střeleckého pluku T. G. Masaryka, poté rovněž působil u zvěrolékařské nemocnice 3. střelecké divise jako desátník. Bojoval již v bitvě u Zborova, kde byl raněn. Z Ruska vyjel do vlasti z Vladivostoku na lodi America, která přistála v Terstu. Na této lodi se do Čech dostal také jeden z medvědů přivezených legionáři. V pozůstalosti je zachován humorný článek z novin, kde je zachycena příhoda o zmíněném medvědu Míšovi. Součástí pozůstalosti je soubor fotografií, portrétů, vlastnoručních vzpomínek na válku, nejrůznějších dokumentů a tiskovin z meziválečného období či vlastnoruční skica mapy (pravděpodobně Podkarpatské Rusi). Pozůstalost přinesl vnuk, Petr Kohoutek. || Ruské Legie, Frankl, Vladivostok, medvěd Míša

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Documents recognised with Transkribus HTR

Stories to edit and review


[Autograph letter signed by Sophie Arnould in Alleaume, 5 October 1778] (autograph manuscript) || [Lettre autographe signée de Sophie Arnould à Alleaume, 5 octobre 1778] (manuscrit autographe)

3 Items

Letter signed by Sophie Arnould (1740-1802), a French soprano opera singer. She was the first to play the role of Eurydice in Gluck's "Orpheus and Eurydice".

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Attestazione della 76° Compagnia Mitragliatrici 1907 F.

1 Item

Certificate of merits of the Mantova Brigade, commanded by Pasquale Alberto Arenaprimo.

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Carta do Padre Jacinto Manuel do Rego para o Prepósito dos Teatinos de Goa com notícias de várias missões

4 Items

Carta do Padre Jacinto Manuel do Rego para o Prepósito dos Teatinos de Goa com notícias de várias missões || Encadernado com: cartas, notícias, memórias e relações, na sua grande maioria documentação original, reunida sob o título Memorias para a Historia Eclesiastica de Goa e Missoens da Asia, (372 f. no total), sobretudo referente aos Clérigos Regulares Teatinos || Original autógrafo || Jacinto Manuel do Rego

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Manual Transcription

Stories for manual trascription


Diary 1: October 1935 - January 1936

85 Items

Consists of handwritten and typed diary entries relating to Lester's time as High Commissioner of the League of Nations in Danzig.

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Dokumente vom Bausoldaten Frank Drauschke

23 Items

Europeana 1989 - Berlin, 12-13.09.2014

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Lettera del Duca d'Aosta Emanuele Filiberto

1 Item

Lettera di ringraziamento del Duca d'Aosta Emanuele Filiberto in risposta alla pubblicazione di un opuscolo commemorativo del 266° reggimento contenente la descrizione delle azioni compiute durante la guerra.

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lyrio entre as sarsas

49 Items

Monographic bibliographic item || Monografia

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La casa reale e la guerra

3 Items

Fotografie di componenti casa reale italiana sul fronte || || Photograph || Il Conte di Torino - rapporto ufficiali || || Photograph || La Duchessa d'Aosta ispettrice della Croce Rossa || || Publication || Omaggio al valore del re

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FRBMBO-004 Histoire de René Fouquet

20 Items

René Fouquet, né le 24 octobre 1894, à Canauley, commune de Marcheprime, mobilisé en 1914, écrit pendant toute la durée de la guerre à ses parents. Correspondance d'octobre 1914 à son retour en janvier 1919. Il est parti sur le front de l'Argonne, fait prisonnier le 13 juillet 1915, détenu en Allemagne jusqu'en 1919. Une partie des lettres de 1914-1915, ont été écrites du front. Ensuite, lettres du prisonnier. Le contributeur est le petit-fils de René Fouquet, son grand père maternel. Il a connu ce grand-père qui est mort à l'âge de 90 ans, en 1984. Ils vivaient dans la même maison familiale. Le grand-père parlait peu de la guerre, il faisait des boutades. Il avait horreur de la guerre. Dans sa correspondance, on sent d'abord tout son enthousiasme en 1914, puis après les premiers combats, l'envie que la guerre se termine (dès 1915), le désenchantement. Puis le soulagement d'être fait prisonnier (dans les lettres de prisonnier, il dit à ses parents de ne plus s'en faire pour lui). || Lettres manuscrites. Sélection de quelques lettres du front 1914-1915; puis de lettres du prisonnier (dont une avec une photo) || || Crête des Eparges, front de l'Agonne || Lettre de 16 pages (documents 1 à 12) envoyée du front par Réne Fouquet à ses parents, le 1er mai 1915. Le jeune homme raconte et dessine une bataille à laquelle il a participé du 27 au 29 avril 1915 sur le front de l'Argonne : je fais une carte des Eparges pour vous montrer la position que j'ai occupée. || Lettre du front de René Fouquet à ses parents, 1er mai 1915 || Front || Trench Life || René Fouquet || Letter || || Letter || Lettre de Réné Fouquet à ses parents, 26 mars 1915 || Lettre de Réné Fouquet à ses parents, le 26 mars 1919. || Front || René Fouquet || Trench Life || Mézières || || lettre de René Fouquet à ses parents, 26 mars 1915 || Trench Life || Back || Lettre de Réné Fouquet à ses parents, le 26 mars 1919. Il a croisé le général Joffre : Hier, jeudi nous sommes allés passer une revue par le général Joffre, il y avait toute la division, je l'ai très bien vu, il a décoré de la médaille militaire plusieurs soldats. || René Fouquet || Letter || Mézières || || Letter || Front || Ancemont, près de Verdun dans la Meuse || Lettre de René Fouquet à ses parents, 1er avril 1915 || Trench Life || René Fouquet || Lettre du front de René Fouquet à ses parents, 1er avril 1915. || || Back || Lettre de René Fouquet à ses parents, 1er avril 1915 || Ce qui me touche sur cette lettre, c'est qu'il ait encore l'humour de dessiner un poisson d'avril en tête de son courrier. J'ai vu des choses qu'il est impossible de décrire. Le bonjour aux amis et vivement la paix. || Trench Life || Letter || Ancemont, près de Verdun dans la Meuse || René Fouquet || || Letter || Lettre de René Fouquet à ses parents, 24 octobre 1915 || Front || Lettre de René Fouquet à ses parents, le 24 octobre 1915. Il est prisonnier en Allemagne à Königsbrück || René Fouquet || Prisoners of War || Königsbrück, Allemagne || || C'est le jour de son anniversaire. Il est prisonnier en Allemagne. Le ton est rassurant. Il a joint une photo, on le voir à gauche, il a fait une croix pour indiquer son copain à droite. Je vous envoie ma photo ainsi que celle de mon copain Carrère(+. Je ne suis pas maigre car je mange bien et le travail ne force pas trop. || Königsbrück, Allemagne || Back || Letter || René Fouquet || Prisoners of War || Lettre de René Fouquet à ses parents, 24 octobre 1915 || || Zwickau, Allemagne || René Fouquet || Letter || Lettre-carte du camps de prisonnier de Zwickau en Allemagne, daté du jour de l'armistice. || Prisoners of War || Front || lettre de René fouquet à ses parents, le 11 novembre 1918 || || Letter || lettre de René Fouquet à ses parents, 11 novembre 1918 || Lettre écrite par René Fouquet à ses parents le jour de l'armistice. Il est toujours prisonnier en Allemagne, il a changé de camps : il est arrivé à Zwickau au début de l'année 1916. Dans cette lettre il parle a ses parents des nouvelles sensationnelles qui lui sont parvenues. Il espère rentrer très vitye chez lui. Il rentrera début janvier 1919 en réalité. Sa dernière lettre date du 1er janvier 1919, il espère son départ du camps le 4. Ce qui arrivera en effet. C'est émouvant de lire les mots de ce garçon qui a passé plus de 4 ans loin de chez lui, 1 année au front jusqu'en octobre 1915, puis plus de 3 ans comme prisonnier en Allemagne. Dans ses dernières lettres, il écrit à ses parents qu'il a beaucoup muri... || Zwickau, Allemagne || Prisoners of War || René Fouquet || Back

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Private Bertram Rex Hall

9 Items

Picture of Bertram Rex Hall. War correspondence from the prisoner camp in Germany en some documents that proof that Bertram was believed to be missing. Also the letter of his mother with unbelief about her sons death. || Bertram Rex Hall served in the Great War and survived. He enlisted in Bristol in October 1915 and embarked with the British Expeditionary Force to France in January 1917 to join the 14th Gloucesters. In the autumn of 1917, the regiment was involved in action near Ypres, when as part of a gun-crew, he was taken prisoner on the 22nd October 1917. He was sent first to Dulmein POW camp, then Gustrow near Keil, and returned to England late 1918. Bertram Rex Hall was proud to have been a 'Glorious Gloucester' but he also cried when he 'took the Queen's Shilling'. His family knew that he had been a prisoner of war in Germany but he was reluctant to answer any questions. He only said that the drove a horse and cart for the mayor. He also had a few water colour postcards painted by a friend (sadly, lost over the years). He used a nose spray for many years and said to his family it was because he had been gassed. His daughter, Elizabeth Bostock, sensed not to ask many questions, especially about his bayonet hidden away in the roof of his garden shed. But on remembrance sunday, when the guns sounded the 2-minute silence, father and daughter stood quietly side by side. And every remembrance sunday since, his daughter thinks of him and his mates, wondering who they were and what became of them. After her parents died, Elizabeth Bostock treasured the belongings of her father saved by his mother Margaret Hall (nee Witcombe). War medals, a paybook, various letters, papers and photographs. There's also an album of photographs showing fellow prisoners of Bertram Rex Hall and the prison camp surroundings, together with some intriguing details. Bertram Rex Hall sent his mother a card dated 14.11.1917, reporting that he was a POW in Dulmein (the main transit camp for dispersing prisoners to work camps throughout Germany) but this was delayed, because an Army Records Office Letter (17.11.1917) was sent to her reporting him as missing, and his name appeared in the Bristol Evening Times & Echo Roll of Honour (7.12.1917). Family legend said his mother refused to believe he was dead - she said she would have known. She wrote to his C/O, and a pencilled reply (30.11.1917), from Major C.H. Baker, describes his attempts to find news of Dad's dissappearance. He wrote that Dad was notified as missing when the men came out of line, and then wounded, and the Major assumed he was in hospital. Major Baker said that some of the fellows pressed forward so boldly they were out of touch, and may have been taken prisoner, because...that is what happened to the section commander. Bertram wrote home every week, saying he was well, asking for news and food and personal items to be sent, and on 9.12.1917 comments that he has been at Dulmein for a month and described his capture. He and six other men had a machine gun and when the Germans attacked, five men fled and were shot as they ran. Dad and another man were left with the gun which had broken and were surrounded before they could repair it, so only two out of seven survived. On the 25th of september 1917 he wrote an optimistic Christmas Day Letter: This camp (Gustrow) is much the same as the one at Dulmain. We have a cinema and theatre, a comfortable hut with three blankets each a straw bed and pillow so we sleep very well. There are all nationalities here: English, French, Belgian, Russian, Roumanian and Italian. At some point, Bertram had an Ausweiskarte (undated) giving him permission to be out until 9.00 pm in the compound district of Gustrow. He could take pictures of the local residents and environs, of Hamburg and Kiel, particularly the harbour and German ships. With the letter and documents was a leather-covered album, containing the postcards mentioned above, and official photographs of my father, to send home, also some of his friends, the POW camp and cemetery. The photos of the camp cemetery show graves of different nationalities, French and Russian soldiers, tidy immaculate gravel pathways between. After the war Bertram went back to his family in Bristol, and a few years later he faced the Depression. He felt himself fortunate to obtain a position in the Ministry of Pensions, and later moved to the Inland Revenue Office at Nothing Hill Gate in London, where he met his wife. They married in 1935, and settles in a new house with all mod cons in what was then rural West London. A few months later, his daughter was born and right after that the two girls were evacuated to Wales because of the outbreak of the second world war. The wife of Bertram was however very unhappy and she decided to return to London. Bertram was not called for service again but he was an Air Raid Warden during the Blitz... The arrival of his first son in 1946, after the war finished, was a happier time all round. Bertram retired in 1966 and led a quiet life enjoying a pint, reading, gardening and watching cowboy films (never war movies), and playing with his grand sons. In 1971 he died in the hospital after a routine operation, seemingly a reation to the anaesthetic. It was unclear whether it was medical error, or revived sensitivity because of the gassing in WW1. Elizabeth Bostock (nee Hall): Dad was a good husband and loving father. He was proud of being a Bristolian, and we enjoyed many visits to relatives there, visiting the local landmarks. I recall happy times, helping him in the garden, summer afternoons watching cricket together, cycling in the countryside. He was inventive, making us toys - a cricket bat, scooter and a box on wheels. We sat in the garden shed, heating water on the Aladdin lamp for Bovril drinks and that is whn he spoke, briefly, of his times as a soldier, and we shared Remembrance Sunday Silences together. Althought I cannot now, 90 years on, find out much more, I will carry on remembering like my Dad.

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Povestea lui Ioan Gutia - 4 ani de razboi

131 Items

Certificat de competente obtinut la Marburg( Maribor) la jumatatea anului scolar 1914-1915, avand mentionate materiile si notele obtinute Scrisoare catre parinti din 17 mai 1917 relatand pe larg lupta data pentru cucerirea fortificatiilor de la Castello Dante, Italia, Fotografie Ioan Gutia in uniforma , Viena 29.09 1916, Fotografie Ioan Gutia in uniforma, avand deja 3 decoratii , 1917, Fotografie a lui Ioan Gutia in 1918 cu cele 4 medalii primite, 12 Fotografii personale ale lui Ioan Gutia cu camarazii de arme, Medalia Signum Laudis fata si verso, medalia 2 fata si verso, medalia 3 fata si verso, tunica locotenent inmfanterie armata austro-ungara, Carti postale trimise din aproape Jumatate de Europa. || Ioan Gutia , fratele bunicului meu de loc din din Sebes a luptat in Primul Razboi Mondial in armata austro-ungara inca de la o varsta frageda (nu implinise 18 ani).Era o persoana extrem de dotata si muncitoare, obtinand mereu note foarte bune( vezi certificat de competente atasat) In ciuda varstei fragede , s-a remarcat in lupte avansand rapid pe scara militara astfel incat la 21 ani avea deja gradul de locotenent colonel si 4 medalii prestigioase.A luptat in Batalionul 4 Regimentul 50 Infanterie Grossherzog Friedrich von Baden pe aproape intreaga perioada a razboiului( 1914-1918 ). A murit catre sfarsitul razboiului ( in iunie 1918) la varsta de 21 ani la Asiago in Italia. Corespondenta purtata cu familia si prietenii ( 61 carti postale anexate) atesta un parcurs European lung si anevoios in cei patru ani de razboi, ce l-a purtat prin Budapesta, Viena, Maribor, Trieste, Rovereto, Trento, Miramar, Duino, Matarelo, Asiago, Belgrad, Novi Sad,Cernauti, Breitensee, etc. De remarcat grija permanenta pentru familie si in special pentru parinti si incercarea emotionanta de a nu le provoca niciodata griji suplimentare. Aproape toate scrisorile si cartile postale contin fraza: Eu sunt foarte bine sau mie imi merge bine .

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12 Items

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Povestea generalului Toma Constantinescu

1 Item

Strabunicul meu, general Toma Constantinescu, a fost comandatul corpului 5 Armata in Primul razboi mondial. A participat si in razboiul de independenta. Sotia sa Luiza a fost presedinta filialei Crucea-rosie Tulcea. Copiii au participat si ei la luptele din Primul razboi mondial. A murit pe frontul de est in 1917 de tifos exantematic si cangrena, refuzand amputarea piciarelor General fara picioare, mai bine mor, potrivit ficei sale mai mici, Constantinescu Victoria. (bunica) || || Front || General Toma Costantinescu, comandatul corpului 5 armata || Act deces General Toma Costantinescu, strabunic || 45.1716165,28.79144389999999 || Official document || Remembrance || || General Toma Constantinescu, comandant corpului 5 armata || 44.860588,24.867905000000064 || Poza strabunic : General Toma Constantinescu, comandant corpului 5 armata || Pitesci || Genaral Toma Constantinescu, comandant corpului 5 armata || Front || Photograph

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Astronomia pisana przez Michała Pełkę Polińskiego w czasie Lekcyy dawanych przez W[ielebne]go Jgnacego Reszkę Professora Astronomii w Jmperatorskim Wilenskim Uniwersytecie z Roku 1804 na 1805; z Roku 1805 na 1806; z R[ok]u 1807 na 1808 /

182 Items

Vilniaus imperatoriškajame universitete skaitytas Ignoto Reškos astronomijos paskaitų (1804/05, 1805/06, 1807/08 m. m.) kursas, užrašytas jo mokinio M. Pelkos-Polinskio: astronominiai skaičiavimai, formulės, brėžiniai, temos: kaip atrasti ilgumą arba saulės vietą 1805 m., informacija apie kompasų gaminimą, išrašai iš Nikolos Luji de La Kailio (Nicolas Louis de La Caille) knygos “Lectiones elementares astronomiæ, geometricæ, et physicæ“ (Viena, Praha, 1757). Pagal šiuos užrašus tyrinėtojai sprendžia apie I. Reškos dėstytą astronomijos programą ir jos lygį: užrašai esantys nenuoseklūs, neturi vientiso plano, daugiausia vietos buvo skiriama sferinei trigonometrijai ir gnomonikai, trūksta svarbių dalykų (žvaigždių, žvaigždynų, pasaulio sistemos išdėstymo ir kt.). (Parengė Gita Drungilienė)

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Accordar o amor que está dormindo

41 Items

Monographic bibliographic item

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J. P. Murphy

12 Items

Letters, cards, photos related to J.P. Murphy. Injured in the war he spent time at Aldershot hospital || Letters, cards, photos || || JP Murphy || Letter from JP Murphy (1) || Letter || || Letter || Letter from JP Murphy (2) || JP Murphy || || Letter from JP Murphy (3) || JP Murphy || Letter || || Letter from JP Murphy (4) || Letter || JP Murphy || || JP Murphy || Letter from JP Murphy (5) || Letter || || Letter from JP Murphy (6) || Letter || JP Murphy || || Letter from JP Murphy (7) || JP Murphy || Letter || || Postcard from JP Murphy (1) || Postcard || JP Murphy || || Postcard from JP Murphy (2) || JP Murphy || Postcard || || JP Murphy || Letter || Letter from JP Murphy (8) || || Letter from JP Murphy (9) || JP Murphy || Letter || || Photograph || JP Murphy || Photograph of JP Murphy

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Ansichtkaarten uit Gaasterland

56 Items

Ansichtkaarten van Jan Thomas Wiersma uit Dedgum. || De kaarten werden vanuit Sneek en Gaasterland verstuurd door Jan Thomas Wiersma. De inbrenger zijn vrouw is een kleindochter van Wiersma. Jan Thomas Wiersma was betrokken bij de bewaking van de Belgische krijgsgevangenen in Zuidwest Friesland. Hij stuurde de kaarten naar zijn vrouw en kinderen en schrijft op de kaarten wat hij doet en meemaakt. Het weer en hoe hij zich voelt komen ook aan de orde. Ook schrijft hij wanneer hij van plan is om op de fiets naar huis in Dedgum te komen. || || Gemeente Gaasterland, provincie Friesland || Postcard || Front

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diario di guerra

63 Items

Diario di guerra

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Postkarten (unterschiedliche Ursprünge und Motive)

156 Items

4 cartes postales tamponées par le bureau de censure allemand; - einzelne Satirekarten; - Neujahrskarten; - Feldpost an deutsche Soldaten; - Fotos Soldaten aus verschiedenen Nationen zeigend (Balkan und Westfront, Soldaten aus den Kolonien); - Propagandafotos; - Abbildungen von Feldherrn; - Abbildungen von Schiffen; - Karten zum Thema Lebensmittelknappheit in Luxemburg || 50 Postkarten unterschiedlichen Ursprungs und mit unterschiedlichen Motiven || || Front || Postcard || 46 Postkarten unterschiedlichen Urspungs und mit unterschiedlichen Motiven || Postkarten aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg

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PH051 Korespondence Ministerského/Českého stolu ve Vídni

36 Items

Češi, kteří byli zaměstnaní na ministerstvu či ministerstvech ve Vídni se scházeli v restauraci hotelu Post , kde měli svůj stůl, u kterého se pravidelně scházeli. Stůl byl přezdíván Český či Ministerský stůl. Někteří z této skupiny v průběhu 1. světové války narukovali a těm, kteří zůstali ve Vídni, posílali z fronty polní poštou klasické pohledy nebo korespondenční lístky z různých míst v Evropě. Dědeček Ladislava Peprného, Adolf Koláček (nar. 1880), byl jedním ze členů této skupiny. Pracoval v oblasti stavitelství. Zřejmě byl odveden, ale na frontě nikdy nebyl. V roce 1918 v únoru se oženil ve Vídni, kde se narodila maminka Ladislava Peprného, Marie (v listopadu 1918). Po vzniku Československa odešel Adolf Koláček i s rodinou do Prahy. Pracoval na Ministerstvu veřejných prací, kde končil jako sekční šéf v roce 1940, kdy v šedesáti musel odejít do důchodu. || Korespondenční lístky, pohlednice, většina z roku 1914 - pozdravy z fronty od přátel směřované k Ministerskému/Českému stolu ve Vídni - pohlednice z 13. 2. 1916 obsahuje zmínku o panu Koláčkovi

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Letter to Otilija Krampe family in Valmiera from aunt Maria

3 Items

Letter to Otilija Krampe family in Valmiera from aunt Maria. Aunt Maria thanks for the card and letter she has received. She tells that they are already packed and ready to flee to Novgorod or Vitebsk. She tells that soldiers dig trenches not far from her family house and if German army will move forward, they have to flee. She hope to God that there won't need to flee, as she has heard meny terrible storries about what happens with refugees in Russia. But her son wrote, that they can go to him to Vitebsk if they has to flee. || || Maria || Letter to Otilija Krampe family in Valmiera from aunt Maria. Page 1 || Front || Letter || || Front || Letter to Otilija Krampe family in Valmiera from aunt Maria. , Pages 2-3 || Letter || Maria || || Front || Letter to Otilija Krampe family in Valmiera from aunt Maria. Page 4 || Letter || Maria

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