Transcribathon Vienna
#EuropeForCulture: Closing Conference of European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018
Als Teil der Abschlusskonferenz des Europäischen Kulturerbejahres 2018 #EuropeForCulture in Wien fanden am 6. Dezember 2018 drei Mini-Transcribathons statt. Gemeinsam mit Europeana und Facts & Files veranstaltete die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek im Palais Mollard-Clary den ersten Mini-Transcribathon im Zuge des Enrich Europeana Projekts. Der Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung lag bei der Erhaltung des Kulturerbes Europas und der gemeinsamen europäischen Identität. BesucherInnen bekamen die einzigartige Gelegenheit mit originalen Briefen und Tagebucheinträgen aus der Zeit des Ersten Weltkriegs zu arbeiten. 90 Teilnehmende aus ganz Europa transkribierten speziell ausgewählte Dokumente, in drei Mini-Transcribathons von 45-Minuten, und tauchten in die Gedankenwelten von damals Lebenden ein. Die Sieger waren die, die insgesamt die meisten Meilen zurücklegten.
On 6th December 2018, three Mini-Transcribathons were held in Vienna as part of the #EuropeForCulture conference, the closing celebrations of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. In cooperation with Europeana and Facts & Files, the event was hosted by the Austrian National Library at the Palais Mollard-Clary in Vienna within the scope of the Enrich Europeana project. The event’s main focus was to evaluate the legacy of the Cultural Heritage Year and to encourage further commitment to Europe’s cultural heritage. Visitors had the unique opportunity to work with original letters and diaries from the First World War, immersing themselves in the thoughts of those living at that time. 90 participants from all over Europe transcribed these documents in three fast-paced competitions that each lasted 45 minutes. The winners were those who ran the most miles overall. More details on the conference.
6 December 2018
Palais Mollard-Clary
Herrengasse 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Mini-Transcribathon 1 (14:30 - 15:15)
Transcribed Characters

Top Teams

Mini-Transcribathon 2 (15:45 - 16:30)
Transcribed Characters

Top Teams

Mini-Transcribathon 3 (17:00 - 17:45)
Transcribed Characters

Top Teams

Happy to have so many languages represented at our Transcribathon in Vienna. French, English, Italian and German documents are being transcribed right now @Transcribathon#EuropeforCulture #transcribe #transcribathon pic.twitter.com/b1wMByaYa5
— ONB R&D (@ONB_RD) December 6, 2018
Participants of the #EYCH2018 closing event transcribing handwritten documents from #WW1 during our mini @transcribathon #EuropeForCulture #transcribathon Try yourself? https://t.co/qlPIkMssFO pic.twitter.com/upVwFC45e0
— Europeana (@Europeanaeu) December 6, 2018
The last Mini #transcribathon was won by a team of school kids from Tirol. Thanks to all the enthusiastic participants. #EuropeForCulture #EYCH2018 @Europeana1914 @ONB_RD @FFHistorians pic.twitter.com/461m5OncUH
— Transcribathon (@transcribathon) December 6, 2018