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Papiers d'Abbadie. Correspondances et documents sur la famille d'Abbadie et sur l'Éthiopie (XVIe-XIXe siècle). VI Correspondance d'Antoine et d'Arnauld d'Abbadie sur leurs voyages en Abyssinie (1839-1849).
Item 531
Transcription: treat the question between us as a personal one, his presence in London (to say nothing of his Residence in Paris) would have afforded him a suitable opportunity of "vindicating himself" in accordance with the pledge of his friend Mr Ayrton. - But from his having omitted to do this and many months having since elapsed, during the whole of which time he has remained either in France or England and I have been stationary in London, it is clear that he regards it simply as a question connected with geography. - On the 25th of March last, now more than three months ago, at a meeting of the Royal Geographical society of London (being the one alluded to in Mr Ayrton's Note as "a late evening meeting" of that society), I openly expressed my belief that M. d'Abbadie had not, as publicly asserted by him, performed any journey to Kaffa for the purpose of discovering the source of the Nile I had previously made a similar communication by Letter to the Geographical Society of Paris at its meeting on the 15th of the same month; and at a Meeting of the latter society on the 3rd of May last, M. d'Abbadie expressed his surprise that I, who had never been to Kaffa, should pretend to criticise his alleged journey thither, and stated his readiness to sustain a geographical discussion fairly offered by any person but myself! - [From this it is manifest that] M. d'Abbadie is averse to a geographical discussion with me, who am the only person possessing that information respecting the locality in question which is essential to the elucidation of the truth and it certainly appears strange that he should have authorised his Brother now in London and his Friend Mr Ayrton to "request an explanation" from me on a subject which he has publicly declined discussing with me. - But without entering further into particulars, I have only to say that the question is no longer between M. d'Abbadie and myself. It has become public property; to the public alone i am now amenable; and to the Public I shall submit, without loss of time, the evidence, in detail, in proof of my allegation. This evidence was, as you are aware, prepared many months ago; and lest I should by any possibility have erred in my judgement, - when I should have felt it my duty to apologize to M. d'Abbadie for the wrong done him in as public a manner as my charge itself has been made, - I have submitted it to
Papiers d'Abbadie. Correspondances et documents sur la famille d'Abbadie et sur l'Éthiopie (XVIe-XIXe siècle). VI Correspondance d'Antoine et d'Arnauld d'Abbadie sur leurs voyages en Abyssinie (1839-1849).
Item 530
Transcription: 211 100 309 (Copy) South Sea House 4th July 1850 Dear Brayley - This Afternoon Mr Frederick Ayrton and M. Arnauld d'Abbadie called on me here. - I already knew of the arrival in London of Messrs Arnauld and Charles d'Abbadie whom, and not Messrs Antoine and Arnauld d'Abbadie I take to be "the Messrs d'Abbadie" of Mr Ayrton's Note (enclosed herein) - and I was also aware of their intention to call on me with Mr Ayrton and of the object of their visit; an dhaving on the 24th January 1848 declined communicating with Mr Ayrton respecting M. Antoine d'Abbadie except in writing, I of course refused to see him and M. Arnauld d'Abbadie. Upon this Mr Ayrton left the accompanying Note written by himself, which he had brought with him ready sealed and addressed to me. - For the following reasons, I must equally decline replying to this Note. During the years 1847, 1848 and 1849, a rather voluminous correspondence took place (as you are aware) between Mr Ayrton and myself respecting M. Antoine d'Abbadie. This correspondence terminated by my writing to Mr Ayrton on the 24th February 1849 - "I now feel myself justified in expressing unreservedly my disbelief in the reality of M. d'Abbadie's alleged journey from Godjam to Kaffa in 1843", to which Mr Ayrton replied on the 27th of the same month - " You have now stated explicitly that you disbelieve a statement made by him (M. d'Abbadie), and it will be my duty, as quickly as possible, to communicate this circumstance to him, in order that he may take proper steps for vindicating himself from the imputation you have thus cast on him"; and in acknowledging on the following day the receipt of this Letter of Mr Ayrton, I expressly "closed the correspondence". - On the 3rd of the following Month (March 1849) Mr Ayrton published a Letter in the Athenæum (N° 1114), disclaiming, on behalf of M. Antoine d'Abbadie, the charges in my correspondence - and also in a communication from me printed in a previous number of the same Journal (N° 1112) and pledging himself that when M. Antoine d'Abbadie, who was then in Egypt, returned to Europe, he would himself answer my allegations. - Upwards of a twelvemonth ago M. Antoine d'Abbadie returned to France and in the month of October last he came over to England - If he had intended to
Papiers d'Abbadie. Correspondances et documents sur la famille d'Abbadie et sur l'Éthiopie (XVIe-XIXe siècle). VI Correspondance d'Antoine et d'Arnauld d'Abbadie sur leurs voyages en Abyssinie (1839-1849).
Item 532
Transcription: 101 212 310 several geographers of eminence, all of whom agree that my proofs are conclusive. As, under the circumstances, I prefer no to reopen a correspondence which can lead to no profitable result, I have to request that you will do me the favor to communicate the purport of this Letter to Mr Ayrton and M. Arnauld d'Abbdaie ins such manner as you may deem advisable. - Yours truly (Signed) Charles Beke E. W. Brayley Junr Esqre &c &c &c
Postkarten an Cäcilia Schweiger | Teil 3
Item 39
Transcription: item 39 Absender: Abs. Inftr ... : St. Resw. Lazarett Institut der Engl. Fräulein Regensburg Anschrift: An Wohlgeborens Fräulein Cäzilia Schweiger Mesnerstöchterlein in Hohenburg Text unter der Anschrift: Bin sehr neugierig ob die Karte nicht angekommen ist. Text seitlich der Anschrift: Grüße alle im Hause. Text: Regensburg 28. Sept. 15 Wehrtes Fräulein Möchte ich dich anfragen wehrtes Häschen ob du vielleicht meine Karte nicht erhalten hast, weil du mir nicht einmal eine Antwort gegeben hast. Es ist doch schon 8 Tage da ich dir meine Karte geschickt habe. ... wie es bei Euch ... ... Mir geth es sehr gut ... bald meinen Erholungsurlaub Auf der linken Seite gedruckt als Adressvermerk: An
Story Metadata (32,139 Stories)
 703 ITEMS
 13% EDIT
Papiers d'Abbadie. Correspondances et documents sur la famille d'Abbadie et sur l'Éthiopie (XVIe-XIXe siècle). VI Correspondance d'Antoine et d'Arnauld d'Abbadie sur leurs voyages en Abyssinie (1839-1849).
703 Items
Description: Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution : R 25528.
 51% EDIT
Postkarten an Cäcilia Schweiger | Teil 3
61 Items
Description: Postkarten an Cäcilia Schweiger (Teil 3)
 44% EDIT
Kriegstagebuch Paul Schimmelpfennig 1914-1916
43 Items
Description: Das Tagebuch enthält detaillierte Aufzeichnungen meines Großvaters vom 01. August 1914 bis zu seiner Verwundung am 22. Februar 1915. Danach gibt es nur noch kurze Notizen vom 09. März 1915 und 08. April 1916 und von seiner Rückkehr zum Regiment am 05. Februar 1916. || Kopie des Tagebuchs meines Großvaters mütterlicherseits, Paul Schimmelpfennig, geboren 13. Dezember 1888 in Dahl (Hagen/Westfalen), gefallen am 24. Februar 1916 bei Samogneux (Frankreich). Das Tagebuch beginnt am 01. August 1914 mit Kriegsbeginn. Bis zu seiner Verwundung am 22. Februar 1915 hat er ziemlich ausführlich über seine verschiedenen Aufenthaltsorte von Hagen/Westfalen über Lüttich, Namur, Maubeuge bis zur Front in der Nähe von Courtrizy (Frankreich) beschrieben. Danach gibt es nur noch vier Eintragungen über die Verlegung ins Lazaret St. Ingbert (Saarland) am 09. März 1915, über die Entlassung am 08. April 1915 und über die Rückkehr zur Front am 05. Februar 1916, zehn Tage vor seinem Tod.
 704 ITEMS
 2% EDIT
Kräuterbuch und Rezeptsammlung
704 Items
Description: Shelfmark: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg | Cod. Pal. germ. 231
Enrichments (399,872 Items)
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Postkarten an Cäcilia Schweiger | Teil 3
Item 39
Description: Feldpostkarte an Cäcilia Schweiger von einem Infantristen M. St. (?) aus dem Reserve Lazarett Institut der Englischen Fräulein in Regensburg. Er fragt Fräulein Schweiger, "Häschen", ob sie seine Karte nicht bekommen hat, weil er von ihr noch keine Antwort erhielt. Sein baldiger Erholungsurlaub wird angekündigt. - Auf der Feldpostkarte findet sich ein roter Aufkleber: "Feldpost". Tagesstempel (Rollstempel) von Regensburg: 28.9.15 9 - 10 N. / * 2 *.