
Loose notes on Stefan Pawlicki’s teaching work at the Jagiellonian University, 1882-1913 Luźne notatki dotyczące pracy pedagogicznej Stefana Pawlickiego na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, z lat 1882-1913

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pl: Pawlicki, Stefan Zachariasz (1839-1916)










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Biblioteka Jagiellońska, BJ Rkp. 8451 II


19-20 c.
19-20 w.


1882 - 1913




Public domain
Domena publiczna (public domain)














pl: Pawlicki, Stefan Zachariasz (1839-1916) | file:///usr/local/tomcat/webapps/#agentOf:nhXdRkq_1



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Emil Zegadłowicz’s papers on education and his teaching work || Papiery Emila Zegadłowicza dotyczące szkolnictwa i jego pracy pedagogicznej

16 Items

Contents of the unit: brulion of the agreement on teaching mathematics in Collegium Marianum 1914 k. 1; course program for cultural and educational workers, Institute of Education and Culture Staszica 1919 k. 2; brulion of the greeting text of the inspector and teachers written by Emil Zegadłowicz’s hand k. 3; a letter to the directorate of general secondary schools, teachers' seminars and vocational schools in the District from the Krakow School District Board on the lectures of Emil Zegadłowicz on Stanisław Wyspiański 1932 k. 4 (print you have.); letter from the Minister of Religious Denominations and Public Education regarding the celebration of the 15th. anniversary of independence in schools, ep. you have. With handwritten note from P. prof. Zegadłowicz and stamp: Conservatory of Music in Katowice 1933 k. 5; circular of the School District Board 0 of Lviv near 6; one million letters from Emil Zegadłowicz to the management of the Silesian Conservatory in Katowice, 1937 k. 7; sketch of Zegadłowicz’s memorial for the creation of a school of painting and drawing in Silesia near 8-10; list of students of the first year of art history, part of names inscribed with the hand of Zegadłowicz k. 11; list of students who undertook to attend civic lessons at the Conservatory of Music in Katowice, k. 12. || Zawartość jednostki: brulion umowy w sprawie nauczania matematyki w „Collegium Marianum” 1914 k. 1; program kursu dla pracowników kulturalno-oświatowych, Instytut Oświaty i Kultury im. Staszica 1919 k. 2; brulion tekstu powitania inspektora i nauczycieli napisany ręką Emila Zegadłowicza k. 3; pismo do dyrekcji szkół średnich ogólnokształcących, seminariów nauczycielskich i szkół zawodowych w Okręgu od Kuratorium Okręgu Szkolnego Krakowskiego w sprawie odczytów Emila Zegadłowicza o Stanisławie Wyspiańskim 1932 k. 4 (odbitka masz.); pismo Ministra Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego w sprawie obchodów 15. rocznicy odzyskania niepodległości w szkołach, odb. masz. z odręcznym dopiskiem P. prof. Zegadłowicz i pieczątką: Konserwatorium Muzyczne w Katowicach 1933 k. 5 ; okólnik Kuratorium Okręgu Szkolneg0 Lwowskiego k. 6; brulion pisma Emila Zegadłowicza do dyrekcji Konserwatorium Śląskiego w Katowicach 1937 k. 7; szkic memoriału Zegadłowicza o utworzenie szkoły malarstwa i rysunku na Śląsku k. 8-10; lista uczniów I roku historii sztuki, część nazwisk wpisana ręką Zegadłowicza k. 11; lista uczniów, którzy zobowiązali się uczęszczać na lekcje nauki obywatelskiej w Konserwatorium Muzycznym w Katowicach k. 12.

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Knitting on the home front for soldiers at the front

1 Item

Frederick Spurgin, whose name is visible beneath her feet, created the depiction of a girl knitting that adorns the front of this postcard. The caption beneath reads, ‘Whenever you want a change of things, / We girls’ sic will see you have it !’. The printed information on the reverse includes the following details: ‘Art and Humour Publishing Co., Chancery Lane, London, W.C. / A & H “JOLLY KIDDIES” Series. No. 319. British Manufacture.’. The postmark tells us that it was posted on 14 March 1918 in Liverpool. A name, address and message have been written in black ink. Addressed to ‘Master L. Rawsthorn ? / c/o Mr Stephenson / Hall Stableyard / Burton / Nr Lincoln’, the message reads as follows: ‘College Rd / Crosby / My dear Leslie / Thanks very much for your nice letter. Hope your cold is better and that you are having a jolly time. Love from Dorothy’. || A British patriotic postcard || || Postcard || A British patriotic postcard

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'Contemporary notes on the war' by a Discerning Observer

428 Items

My father, George Joseph Lockwood, was born in 1891. He had not been allowed to go to university by his own father but he was recruited to work in the Ecclesiastical Commission via the Civil Service examination, in which he came 2nd in the country in his intake. He then took the Inter BSc at evening classes. He remained passionate about learning throughout his life, ensuring his three daughters received good educations. He was 23 when the war broke out and throughout it, he compiled a series of notebooks recording the coverage of the war, gathered from newspapers, verbal reports and rumours. There are four notebooks described as Contemporary notes on the war, giving the chief points in the daily news and falsehoods and Current rumours etc concerning the war. As a discerning observer, his comments provide an interesting perspective on the reporting of the war. || Four note books containing hand-written notes and cuttings from newspapers, concerning all aspects of the war on all fronts. Total 230 pages, also available as one single pdf. || || The first of four notebooks containing hand-written notes and cuttings from newspapers, compiled by George Joseph Lockwood during the war. || 'Contemporary notes on the war' by a discerning observer || || War reporting, covering all fronts and aspects of the conflict || The war notebooks compiled by my father, George Lockwood || Four paper-bound notebooks containing 226 pages of comment on the progress and reporting of the war with newspaper cuttings and personal observations. || Other

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