1916 Salonika souvenir handkerchief
Salonika souvenir handkerchief
This is a French-made souvenir handkerchief of the Salonika Front. Near the top, in the centre, is a picture of General Sarrail, who in 1916 was Commander of the Allied Army of the Orient, which consisted of armed forces of France, Britain, Russia, Serbia, Italy, Greece, and others. Above and around Sarrail's image is the French text 'MES PENSEES SONT A VOUS.... OH! MA CHERE FRANCE', as well as 'SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE'. There is a central map of Salonika and Macedonia with '19' on the left side and '16' on the right to signify the year and, beneath this, the French text 'CARTE GEOGRAPHIQUE DE LA MACEDOINE POUR LES POILUS'. Aside from being a souvenir, it would have been a practical item as a rough pocket map or guide as well as a handkerchief.
Špiro Vranješ
Europeana 1914-1918
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