
MI 7b (1) Original manuscript from September 1917

An original manuscript from a large archive of documents that are thought to be the sole remaining official documents from MI 7b. Discovered by chance, the archive was written by my great-uncle, who kept his original work at home. At the end of the war, all the official documents of MI 7b were destroyed by official order, but these documents survived.

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Jeremy Arter








Europeana 1914-1918



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Europeana 1914-1918


Europeana 1914-1918










Jeremy Arter | europeana19141918:agent/8d1d6eb94c917dceb7e8391761cbf75b
Lt James Price Lloyd | europeana19141918:agent/af28a003645e6f6b1b9b0528d80f35b5


2013-08-14 11:07:35 UTC



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A Trench Raid - extract from the archive of MI 7b propaganda

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Excerpt from A Trench Raid - article written for MI 7b(1) in September 1917, by Lt J P Lloyd of the Welch Regiment with a brief review. || The following extract is taken from MI 7b, the discovery of a lost propaganda archive from the Great War. A Trench Raid At last, after what seemed years of waiting, the long-expected signal came, and we filed into the sap, and then crawled cautiously across No Man’s Land to the shelter of some friendly shell-craters about forty yards from the Boche wire. The signal for the final rush was to be an intensive bombardment on the flanks of the position we were to attack. We did not have to wait long. Punctual to the second, the artillery strafe commenced and simultaneously a blinding sheet of flame and an earth-shaking roar told us that H.E. had completed the work of our wire cutters in blasting a gap in the entanglements. The next few minutes were crowded in the extreme. The whole party made a dash for the opening in the wire, scrambled over the parapet, and, as had been arranged, divided their forces, and bombed their way, right and left, down the trench. A sentry, who had been posted quite close to the point of entry, had been blown backwards off his perch by the force of the explosion, and was no longer in a condition to dispute our passage. The only real resistance we encountered was on the right where a machine gun team hurriedly dismounted their gun from its emplacement, and directed a stream of bullets down the trench in the hope of catching the attackers unawares when the rounded the traverse. But the Bombing Sergeant, crawling along the parapet, dropped a couple of Mill's Bombs in the middle of the party, and then jumped down afterwards lest there should be any mistake. So it was that a battered machine-gun, plus a pair of stout Bavarians, very much the worse for wear, were shortly being passed to the rear. Naturally the time is limited on a raid, and it is prudent to get back to the shelter of your own trenches before the enemy has time to recover from his surprise, and starts to retaliate. But before we turned back we lighted the fuse of an infernal machine which had been part of the R.E.'s contribution to the night's entertainment, and placed it in an unobtrusive position at the foot of the traverse, with the object of discouraging any Huns from annoying us in our retirement. We returned to the original starting point to find the moppers-up had lured several unwilling captives from their under-ground funk-holes, and had already started to shepherd them across No Man's Land on the first stage of their journey to England. As we picked our way through the shell-holes on our way home, our machine-guns were sweeping the Boche parapet on our right and left to restrain any vulgar curiosity on their part as to the fate of their brethren. The last of the excursionists dropped over our friendly parapet just as two infernal machines, in quick succession, rent the night with the roar of their explosion, and a salvo of woolly bears, the first fruits of retaliation, burst high up in the air over the ground we had just vacated. The article, “A Trench Raid” was written by Lt J.P. Lloyd of the Welch Regiment in September 1917, and is one of 150 or so articles and stories he wrote. His work is the sole surviving archive of military propaganda from a secret outfit designated MI 7b. All the official documents of MI 7b were thought to have been destroyed at the war’s end. Lt James Price Lloyd was my paternal great uncle and as a Second-lieutenant, he had been shot and wounded in the first Battle of the Somme in the fighting at Mametz on Friday, the 7th July 1916. Whilst recuperating, he responded to a War Office trawl for officers to write articles about the war. His work was accepted and on 7th July 1917, a year to the day since he had been wounded, he reported for duty with MI 7b. He thought he was joining a unit set up to counter Hun propaganda, but that was just a cover story. Although he didn’t know it at the time, he was joining a strategic propaganda offensive aimed directly at the Home Front, and the home fronts of the Empire, her dominions and colonies. Allied nations too were targeted, as were neutral nations who needed to be swayed towards our cause. MI 7b (1) had been set up in response to the perceived threat that support for the war was waning, that revolution was in the air, that there was discontent in the factories, and saboteurs active amongst us! In the autumn of 1916, through to the dread dark days of early 1917, disaster loomed. The nation, traumatised by the horrendous losses on the Somme front, faced insurrection in Ireland, revolution abroad, and was in danger of losing the battle at sea. The fear of losing the war and the prospect of famine brought home the reality of a modern, total war. To have any hope of preparing the nation not only to accept the huge losses that the strategy of attrition would inevitably demand, but also to sustain their faith that the cause was just and noble, and the sacrifice necessary, there had to be a counter-balance to the Roll of Honour. The authorities recognised that they had to seize the agenda, set the tone, improve and sustain morale. To that end, the War Office trawled for officers with some time on their hands to write about the war, especially the human interest side. Capt Alan Dawson fielded their submissions and set up what became MI 7b (1). It attracted some of the finest literary talent of the day, many of whom were serving in the Army and had connections to the popular newspapers and magazines of the time. Similarly illustrators and artists were recruited and so it was that MI 7b (1) was able to produce high-grade propaganda material in both graphic and text media from the outset. Given its connections and the newspapers’ insatiable appetite for war news, MI 7b (1) became a major source of news that was then reported by the press all over the English speaking world. From August 1917, Lt James Lloyd wrote first-hand accounts of battles and daily life in the trenches, and Captain Bruce Bairnsfather provided cartoons and illustrations that gave the imagination a visual hook. It is clear that their work was integrated as a result of a clearly developed editorial strategy. Bairnsfather’s cartoon character “Old Bill” and his “Fragments from France” were a national sensation – Old Bill became the archetypal “Old Contemptible” and a much loved figure world wide. Lloyd’s retrospectives on fighting in France, along with Bairnsfather’s illustrations, allowed those on the world’s home fronts to identify with the men at war, and get that much closer to what they thought the war may be really like. Lloyd had much to learn about writing propaganda as many of his drafts were too close to reality to have been passed fit for publication. Some of the most poignant and moving accounts he wrote, never made it beyond the manuscript. These “rejected” articles contain much that would otherwise remain hidden. In my view, these articles are that much more interesting and shed a truer and brighter light on events that went unreported. As the propaganda agenda moved on, Lloyd was tasked with producing “Tales of the VC”, and so that his reports on the fighting in France weren’t stale, he was sent back to the Western Front to observe first hand. It is clear that Lloyd wasn’t the only MI 7b officer to undertake such travels, as A A Milne, too, undertook secret work in France at some time during 1918. Officers from MI 7b travelled the Western Front extensively witnessing, as opposed to taking a further active part in, the battles and major campaigns of the war from early 1917 onwards. Those accounts were their main source of war news reporting and were then distributed for publication around the globe. There are examples of newspapers carrying 2 or 3 articles sourced from MI 7b on a single page. With War Office support, what had started out as a “one man and his dog” operation in early 1916, became a highly successful broadcast medium with global reach within 18 months or so, producing an estimate of 7,500 articles for syndication world wide. Had the “Green Book” – the secret valedictory house journal of MI 7b (1) - not been discovered by chance, those writing for MI 7b (1) would have remained incognito, and its secret work only imagined, as so little of its official archive is known to exist. A A Milne is now the best known member of MI 7b, and the current media interest in his role risks eclipsing the wider story. Milne was not the only surprise to be found on the inside cover of the Green Book, posted elsewhere on this forum. The list of members and their literary achievements is truly astonishing. The 150 remaining articles in the archive are of a high literary standard and the articles and stories each stand on their own merit. They would be interesting enough on their own, but in the context of their being examples of a secret campaign, they are an invaluable source. Written by someone who had served and been wounded in the front line trenches, Lloyd’s stories provide a fascinating glimpse into the realities of the fighting, and of life in France. His published work for MI 7b (1) is extensive, and I am very grateful to everyone who has helped me find examples. However, not everything was published, and the unpublished drafts provide tantalising glimpses into the realities as perceived at the time and written in the lingua franca of that era with its richness of slang, its wry observations on the detail of daily trench life. It is also fascinating to view the propaganda production process in action; from idea to pencil draft, to manuscript and green-ink correction and censorship, to the typing pool and beyond to the higher echelons of the War Office food chain where it may be “Passed for publication.” Then, the article is there on the page of a Tasmanian journal, sitting alongside other articles from MI 7b. Each of the articles are under the name of the serving officer who wrote them giving no indication that they are the principal parts of a highly secret and sophisticated propaganda offensive. If the newspaper articles indicate the scale and reach of the operation, the discovery of the Green Book indicates the calibre of its operatives and like the Rosetta stone, unlocks some of the mystery. Why were so many talented and intelligent men willing to write propaganda in support for a war that each of them knew would result in further widespread slaughter? I believe that that they knew it to be their duty. They were recruited ostensibly to take part in a counter-propaganda offensive, and although that may have been plausible for a while, it is clear from what is written in the Green Book, that by the war’s end, some of these were men who felt that their integrity had been compromised. If all their work was meant for publication, what was the secret? The real secret of MI 7b (1) was that the Crown and Parliament had a very great need for it, far greater than history may yet have acknowledged. Why was it disbanded so quickly? The rapid disbandment of MI 7b did not affect its role and function, for that carried on. I think that Lords Northcliffe and Beaverbrook recognised that MI 7b (1) was a first class news agency with global reach, in effect, the information superhighway of its day. They took control of its infrastructure to further their newspaper interests, and MI 7b’s role and function morphed via the Ministry of Information through to the BBC. From Adelphi House to Bush House! With its records destroyed, and all its members bound by the Official Secrets Act, the story of MI 7b (1) might have remained an interesting, but obscure, footnote in history. With any luck, this discovery may yet inform our thinking about the First World War, and play a significant role in our understanding of the true nature of the conflict and the context in which it was reported.

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Gevangenis document september 1917

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Burgemeester Keunen Het verhaal Object 18:Lijst met veroordeling, onderscheiding Object 21: Grootvader zat in cel 23 (zie plattegrond). Dit was een cel voor ter dood veroordeelden. Via via kwam zijn gevangennisstraf bij Koningin Wilhelmina die bemiddelde voor vrijlating. De grootvader van mevr. Keunen was Burgemeester(in Hamont, België) Keunen is ter dood veroordeeld in 1917. Is verraden door een meisje. Was corrupt. Na de oorlog werd een ieder gerehabiliteerd. Object 22: korte biografie 1918 van de burgemeester Aloysius Keunen Object 23: herdenking van de burgemeester 1912-1946 Object 24: dit is een certificaat of discharge. (van echtgenoot mevr. Keunen) grootvader Van Rijn heeft 3x gevangen gezeten daar hij voor de Duitsers voer. De laatste keer is het schip in beslag genomen. Gedateerd 14-8-1914. De datum dat de oorlog uitbrak. Nederland was neutraal. InTenerife werd hij vastgehouden omdat men vond dat hij voor de Duitsers voer, daarna in Travemunde omdat de Duitsers zei dat hij voor de Engelsen voer en de 3x keer is het schip dus in beslag genomen.

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Feldpost Alwin Metz Januar bis September 1917

56 Items

Der spätere Lehrer Alwin Metz, geb. am 2. Januar 1896 in Oppurg, Thüringen, absolvierte vom 7. Januar 1914 bis zum 1. Oktober 1914 seine Reservistenausbildung an verschiedenen Orten. Als Kriegsfreiwilliger meldete er sich 1914 zum Heeresdienst. Er diente im 9. Bataillon des 224. Reserve-Infanterie-Regiments und war zunächst bis zum 18.12.1914 an der Westfront in Frankreich im Einsatz. Im November/Dezember 1914 wurde er in die Karpaten verlegt. Bei einem Gefecht gegen russische Soldaten in der Nacht zum 1. Februar 1915 erlitt er einen Unterleibsdurchschuss und wurde bei Tuchla gefangen genommen. Sein Lazarett befand sich in Stryj, in der Nähe von Lemberg. Metz wurde nach seinem Aufenthalt im Lazarett in Stryj über Brody, Kiew und die Krim nach Moskau gebracht (März 1915). Ab November 1915 war er in Blagoweschtschensk am Amur (Благове́щенск) interniert, nahe der chinesischen Grenze. Aus seinen Aufzeichnungen gehen weitere Zwischenstationen in Petropawlosk, Omsk, Tobolsk, Tjumen und Nowo Nikolajewsk hervor (August bis November 1915). Als Metz nach Blagoweschtschensk verlegt wurde, war er Leiter der Lagerbibliothek (Bücherwart und Inventarverwalter) und gründete auch einen Chor oder eine Laienspielgruppe. Metz war maßgeblich an der Gestaltung des Lagerlebens beteiligt und an der Freizeitgestaltung der Mitgefangenen. Spätestens ab Mai 1919 befand sich Alwin Metz in dem Kriegsgefangenenlager in Zairkutny-Gorodok bei Irkutsk. Alwin Metz wurde während seines Rückwegs in die Heimat mehrfach zurückgeschickt. Wahrscheinlich war es nicht der offizielle Rücktransport, sondern eine Flucht aus dem Lager, bei der er wieder gefangen genommen und ins Lager zurückgeschickt wurde. 1920 verließ Alwin Metz endgültig das Lager und kehrte am 2. Juli 1920 nach Hause zurück. Vier Tage später, am 6. Juli 1920, entließ man ihn offiziell aus der Armee. Während seiner Rückkehr aus der Gefangenschaft, vom 4. Juni bis zum 2. Juli 1920, auf dem Weg von Sibirien nach Thüringen zurück, führte er ein Tagebuch, dass er in alter Gabelsberger Stenografie verfasste. Zurück in der Heimat unterhielt Alwin Metz in Briefen Kontakt zu ehemaligen Mitgefangenen. Ihm wurde nachträglich am 1. Dezember 1921 vom Weimarischen Krieger- und Vereinsbundes die Kriegsdenkmünze 1914/18 des Kyffhäuser-Bundes sowie im Juni 1921 das Eiserne Kreuz II. Klasse verliehen. Metz hielt zahlreiche Vorträge über seine Kriegsgefangenenzeit in Sibirien vor interessierten Bürgern und Einwohnern in Oppurg und in Neustadt und als Lehrer vor Schülern. Er war bei verschiedenen Vereinen aktiv (Imker, Geflügelzüchter, Kaninchenzüchter). Alwin Metz zog als kriegsbegeisterter Soldat in den Krieg, um gegen die Russen als Feinde zu kämpfen und kehrte nach über fünf Jahren in Gefangenschaft als Freund der Russen zurück. || Feldpost Alwin Metz Januar bis September 1917, u.a.: Postkarte vom 22. Januar 1917 des Ausschusses für deutsche Kriegsgefangene, Frankfurt am Main, an Karl Metz mit der Benachrichtigung, dass sich Alwin Metz im Gefangenenlager von Blagoweschtschensk am Amur befindet; Postkarte vom dänischen Roten Kreuz mit Liebesgaben (genaue Auflistung) an Alwin Metz.

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