
WWI cloth escape map of the Western Front?

Close up photo of escape map (2)

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Claire Dumbreck








Europeana 1914-1918



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Europeana 1914-1918


Europeana 1914-1918






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Map of Western Front in 1917

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Map of the Western Front on 1|3|1917 || 1. Map

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Map of Amiens sector of the Western Front belonging to Herbert Crowe

8 Items

Map of the Amiens area of the Western Front that belonged to Herbert Crowe. Herbert ran a private cab company after the war so it is possible that he was involved in motor transport and logistics during his active duty. A series of routes have been outlined in red and blue on the map, are these logistics routes? Herbert was gassed during the war but survived into late 1930s early 1940s despite always being ill. || Map of the Amiens area of the Western Front. Map is a general staff issue number 2526 printed in Southampton in 1912. A series of routes are outlined in red and blue. The origin of these are unknown but it is expected that they were logistics routes. || || Trench Life || Amiens || Map || Map of Amiens sector of the Western Front || A map of Amiens that was owned by Herbert Crowe during the war. It is a general staff issue number 2526 printed in Southampton in 1912. It has routes mapped in red and blue that appear to be related to logistics. || Transport

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The WWI Diary of William Henry Finch

27 Items

19017---PTE. W.H. FINCH G.GDS The front inside cover has a small pocket inside which was a theatre ticket for 11th November---could this be from the first Veterans’ Day? Transcript of the diary: Battle on Hill 70 ; Damned hot ; Festubert just warm ; Grambell dead given up all hope of hearing from him ; Dernier ans Last year ; Augustine Dutoit Marie Charles 66 Norman St N Cotmanhay 1 Chester Derby _______________________________________________________ 14 September 1914 – enlisted in the Grenadier Guards ; 15 – Guards depot Caterham Surrey ; 22 November – Chelsea ; 23 November – Met M & H ; 28 February 1915 – Met L.J. ; 6 March – Croydon ; Drawing of the bay at Le Harve where William entered France ; 16 April – Béthane Below is a photo postcard of the destruction there ; Smoldering Bethane, ignited by Bosche guns to vent their spite for their costly defeat at Festubert'. ; 18 April – Givenchy ; 11 May – Lacoutre ; 16 May – Festubert ; 18 May – Wounded in Arm ; 19 May – Beuvry ; 20 May – Letters unsure of handwriting ; 21st May – Rouen ; 1st June – Cardiff ; 15th June – Penarth ; July – Marlow ; 15th August - Le Harve ; 17th August – St Omer Photo below shows men marching to St Omer ; 17th August – Blendecques ; 17th August – Wizernes ; 17th August – Arques ; September - Ecques, Lambres, Aines ; 25th September – Loos ; 25th September – Hill 70 ; 26th September – Poor Yell Killed This is the first of many deaths William reports in his diary ; 29th September – Grenay ; 3rd October – Trenches again ; 4 October – Hulluch ; 6 October – Vermelles ; 7 October – Hulluch ; 8 October – Vermelles ; 10 October – Sailly ; 12 October – Hulluch ; 13 October - Sailly-Labourse ; 14 October – La Bourse ; 15 October – Hulluch alley ; 16 October – La Bourse ; 17 October – La Bourse ; 18 October – La Bourse ; 19 October – Vermelles ; 20 October – Vermelles ; 21 October - Annequin ; 22 October – Annequin near Cambrin ; The below map illustrates areas where William’s regiment fought in the autumn of 1915 as described in his diary ; 23 October – North of Vermelles ; 24 October – Near Hohenzollen Redoute unsure of this transcription from the diary, cannot find on any maps ; 25 October – Near Hohenzollen Redoute ; 26 October – Allouagne ; 27 October – Allouagne ; 28 October – Allouagne ; 29 October – Allouagne ; 30 October – Lozinghem ; 31 October – Allouagne ; 1 November – Allouagne ; 2 November – Allouagne ; 3 November – Burbure ; 4 November – Burbure ; 5 November – Allouagne ; 6 November – Allouagne ; 7 November – Allouagne ; 8 November – Allouagne ; 9 November – Merville ; 10 November – Merville ; 11 November – Merville ; 12 November – Merville ; 13 November – Laventie ; 14 November – Laventie ; 15 November – Laventie ; 16 November – Laventie ; 17 November – Out of trenches ; 18 November – La Gorgue ; 19 November – La Gorgue ; 20-25 November – between Laventie and Epinette ; 26 November – Merville || This is the diary of W.H. Finch from WWI including a full scan of the diary with additional photographs and information || || Front || Diary || A full & complete transcript with images of this war diary. Wherever possible, information was added, such as reports, internet articles, maps, photos help illustrate his diary || William Finch's WWI Diary || English || William FInch

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