
Internees at Knockaloe | Isle of Man

Photograph of Germans living in Britain who were interned as enemy aliens in WW1

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Andrew Snelling








Europeana 1914-1918



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Europeana 1914-1918


Europeana 1914-1918






Andrew Snelling | europeana19141918:agent/1a2bc26442a79f1eecdf4d29fd0ee40c


2012-05-20 19:06:56 UTC

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Internment of Enemy Aliens in Isle of Man in WW1

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In 1916 men living in Britain who had been born in Germany were interned, most of them at Knockaloe in the Isle of Man. My great grandfather Jacob Christ was amongst them notwithstanding the fact that he had been resident in England since 1887 and had children who had been born here and who were British citizens. One of them was fighting in the British army. One of Jacob's other sons had married the daughter of another German immigrant Heinrich Reus who was also interned. Children of internees who were British citizens also had difficulties especially if they were fighting for the British Army. When someone disclosed that my grandfather had a German father and also a cousin in the German army, he was asked what he would do if he saw his cousin coming towards him in battle. His reply that blood was thicker than water didn't go down too well. || Photo of German enemy aliens interned at Knockaloe, Isle of Man.

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Kaart Isle of Bute

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Kaart van het eiland Bute. Opschrift bovenaan: The Buteman and visitor’s list. Leading journal on the West Coat. Largest Guaranteed Circulation. Every Friday – one penny. / The “Buteman Guide”. Map of Bute.” Opschrift handgeschreven midden: schone stad, met pijl naar Skeoth Wood; vervolg tekst: met den boot naar Glasgow. Opschrift handgeschreven onderaan: pijl vanaf Mountstuart House: Hier woonde vlughtelinge sept. 1914, moeder van A. Staes tot einde 1916. Papa Alfons Staes en mama Emma Van Horick en Papa Florent, familie van Gelrode en andere … Handgeschreven notitie komt van Georges Staes, zoon van Florent en vader van deelnemer Patrick Staes. Handgeschreven notitie in de marge: Daarna zijn wij naar Glasgow gaan wonen om ons brood beter te verdienen (notitie geschreven door Alfons of Florent). Afmetingen: 50,5 x 31cm. Deze kaart is familiebezit. || In september 1914 is de familie Alfons Staes–Emma Van Horick (overgrootouders van deelnemer Patrick Staes) gevlucht van Gelrode naar het eiland Bute waar de overgrootvader werkte als boswachter in de bossen van de Duke of Bute. Ook de broer van de overgrootvader is met zijn familie daar naartoe gevlucht. Ze woonden op het domein van de hertog. Ze zijn daar twee jaren gebleven, nadien zijn ze naar Glasgow gegaan, waar de overgrootvader en één van de zoons in de scheepsbouw werkten. Ze verbleven in Glasgow tot zeker het einde van de oorlog. De juiste terugkeerdatum is niet gekend, vermoedelijk 1919. Op Bute of in Glasgow was Florent Staes bevriend geraakt met de Ier Patrick O’Neill. Om die reden draagt de deelnemer de voornaam Patrick, als herinnering aan de beste vriend van zijn grootvader. || || Kaart van het eiland Bute. Opschrift bovenaan: The Buteman and visitor’s list. Leading journal on the West Coat. Largest Guaranteed Circulation. Every Friday – one penny. / The “Buteman Guide”. Map of Bute.” Opschrift handgeschreven midden: schone stad, met pijl naar Skeoth Wood; vervolg tekst: met den boot naar Glasgow. Opschrift handgeschreven onderaan: pijl vanaf Mountstuart House: Hier woonde vlughtelinge sept. 1914, moeder van A. Staes tot einde 1916. Papa Alfons Staes en mama Emma Van Horick en Papa Florent, familie van Gelrode en andere … Handgeschreven notitie komt van Georges Staes, zoon van Florent en vader van deelnemer Patrick Staes. Handgeschreven notitie in de marge: Daarna zijn wij naar Glasgow gaan wonen om ons brood beter te verdienen (notitie geschreven door Alfons of Florent). Afmetingen: 50,5 x 31cm. Deze kaart is familiebezit. || English || Map || Nederlands || Isle of Bute (Groot-Brittannië)

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Best Man At Arms

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Sidney George Samways joined the North Somerset Yeomanry in 1914. They had 6 weeks to learn how to ride, mustered at Forrest Row (see pictures), Sussex, before they shipped out to the continent in 1914. Sidney survived the war, as a corporal in the Inniskillin Dragoon guards, after the North Somerset Yeomanry were disbanded (most were killed). When the troops were away from the front line they had sports days and competitions. Corporal Sidney Samways won the Best Man At Arms Mounted, at the North Somerset Yeomanry Regimental Sports Day on 3rd October, 1917 (see pictures). || Solid silver cup awarded to CPL. S. G. Samways Man At Arms Mounted, at the North Somerset Yeomanry Regimental Sports Day on 3rd October, 1917. || || Sidney Samways, Forrest Row, Sussex || Photograph || 51.09739099999999,0.0332220000000234 || Sidney George Samways is the one in the centre. Does anybody recognise his two pals? If so, please contact gregsamways @ wanadoo (.) fr || Forest Row, Sussex

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