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Schwarzer Stempel rechts oben:
An den Kanonier
Richard Otto Schöne
204. Infanterie- Division
Feldartillerie-Regt. 408
II. Batterie im Westen
Lieber Richard !
Ich habe Dir heute ein
Kistchen abgeschikt. Der
Georg wird wohl nach den
Feiertagen aus den
Lazarett entlassen
werden, er verdrächt (verträgt)
die Kälte schlechter
wie Du da er als Bäker
noch weniger gewohnt ist.
Wir haben noch etwas Korn
u. den Samenhafer zu
dreschen. Der Arno hat 2 T.(age)
geholfen dreschen. Bei uns ist auch
noch kein Schnee.
Schönbach d. 26.12.
English Translation from German
Schwarzer Stempel top right: SEBNITZ (SACHSEN) To the gunner Richard Otto Schöne 204th Infantry Division Feldartillerie-Regt.
Battery in the West Dear Richard!
I gave you a box today.
The George will probably be released from the hospital after the holidays, he diminishes (tolerates) the cold worse than you as he is even less used as a baker.
We still have some grain u. to thresh the seed oat.
The Arno helped 2 T. (age) to thresh.
There is no snow here.
Schönbach d. 26.12.
Belgien (50.5039, 4.46994)
Story Location
Document Date
Document Type
Document Description
Language of Description
External Web Resources
Feldpostkarten und Fotos von Richard Schöne
Europeana 1914-1918
Europeana 1914-1918
Sat Jan 01 00:19:32 CET 1916
Mon Jan 01 00:19:32 CET 1917
Tue Jan 01 00:19:32 CET 1901
Sun Dec 31 00:19:32 CET 1916
Mon Dec 31 00:19:32 CET 1917
Sun Dec 31 01:00:00 CET 2000
Sun Dec 31 00:19:32 CET 1933
Richard Schöne | europeana19141918:agent/459ad3df9bbea1f68a6c7a0fb3e551c4
Ronny Schlebrowski | europeana19141918:agent/e280cfc5cb59050f3efe7051f7c73032
2011-08-22 13:29:18 UTC
Story Description
Drei Fotos aus dem Kriegsalltag: Soldaten des Regiments 408 bei diversen Alltagstätigkeiten (Richard Schöne ist der 2. v.r.) in Belgien; Soldaten des Regiments 408 am Tag der Vereidigung (Richard Schöne vorn in der Mitte); Aufnahme von der Vereidigungszeremonie. Feldpost an Richard Schöne, u.a. von Richard Schönes Bruder Georg, der in Dresden stationiert war. Feldpost von Richard Schöne; Postkarten an den Vater Bruno Schöne und Mutter Alma Schöne aus Weimar, Dresden und Königsbrück. Richard Schöne war als Kanonier der Königlich-Sächsischen Feldartillerie, Regiment 408, 204. Infanteriedivision II. Batterie an der Westfront eingesetzt, u.a. in Belgien.WomenImperial ForcesOther
Schwarzer Stempel rechts oben:
An den Kanonier
Richard Otto Schöne
204. Infanterie- Division
Feldartillerie-Regt. 408
II. Batterie im Westen
Lieber Richard !
Ich habe Dir heute ein
Kistchen abgeschikt. Der
Georg wird wohl nach den
Feiertagen aus den
Lazarett entlassen
werden, er verdrächt (verträgt)
die Kälte schlechter
wie Du da er als Bäker
noch weniger gewohnt ist.
Wir haben noch etwas Korn
u. den Samenhafer zu
dreschen. Der Arno hat 2 T.(age)
geholfen dreschen. Bei uns ist auch
noch kein Schnee.
Schönbach d. 26.12.
- Deutsch (German)
Schwarzer Stempel rechts oben:
An den Kanonier
Richard Otto Schöne
204. Infanterie- Division
Feldartillerie-Regt. 408
II. Batterie im Westen
Lieber Richard !
Ich habe Dir heute ein
Kistchen abgeschikt. Der
Georg wird wohl nach den
Feiertagen aus den
Lazarett entlassen
werden, er verdrächt (verträgt)
die Kälte schlechter
wie Du da er als Bäker
noch weniger gewohnt ist.
Wir haben noch etwas Korn
u. den Samenhafer zu
dreschen. Der Arno hat 2 T.(age)
geholfen dreschen. Bei uns ist auch
noch kein Schnee.
Schönbach d. 26.12.
Language(s) of Transcription
English Translation
Field Post.
Schwarzer Stempel top right: SEBNITZ (SACHSEN) To the gunner Richard Otto Schöne 204th Infantry Division Feldartillerie-Regt.
Battery in the West Dear Richard!
I gave you a box today.
The George will probably be released from the hospital after the holidays, he diminishes (tolerates) the cold worse than you as he is even less used as a baker.
We still have some grain u. to thresh the seed oat.
The Arno helped 2 T. (age) to thresh.
There is no snow here.
Schönbach d. 26.12.
Transcription History
Feldpost. Schwarzer Stempel rechts oben: SEBNITZ (SACHSEN) An den Kanonier Richard Otto Schöne 204. Infanterie- Division Feldartillerie-Regt. 408 II. Batterie im Westen Lieber Richard ! Ich habe Dir heute ein Kistchen abgeschikt. Der Georg wird wohl nach den Feiertagen aus den Lazarett entlassen werden, er verdrächt (verträgt) die Kälte schlechter wie Du da er als Bäker noch weniger gewohnt ist. Wir haben noch etwas Korn u. den Samenhafer zu dreschen. Der Arno hat 2 T.(age) geholfen dreschen. Bei uns ist auch noch kein Schnee. Schönbach d. 26.12.
Feldpost An den Kanonier Richard Otto Schöne 204. Infanterie- Division Feldartillerie-Regt. 408 II. Batterie im Westen Lieber Richard ! Ich habe Dir heute ein Kistchen abgeschickt. Der Georg wird wohl nach den Feiertagen aus dem Lazarett entlassen werden, er verträgt die Kälte schlechter wie Du, da er als Bäcker noch weniger gewohnt ist. Wir haben noch etwas Körner u. den Samenhafer zu dreschen. Der Arno hat geholfen dreschen. Bei uns ist auch noch kein Schnee. Schönbach d. 26.12. !
Feldpost. Schwarzer Stempel rechts oben: SEBNITZ (SACHSEN) An den Kanonier Richard Otto Schöne 204. Infanterie- Division Feldartillerie-Regt. 408 II. Batterie im Westen Lieber Richard ! Ich habe Dir heute ein Kistchen abgeschikt. Der Georg wird wohl nach den Feiertagen aus den Lazarett entlassen werden, er verdrächt (verträgt) die Kälte schlechter wie Du da er als Bäker noch weniger gewohnt ist. Wir haben noch etwas Korn u. den Samenhafer zu dreschen. Der Arno hat 2 T.(age) geholfen dreschen. Bei uns ist auch noch kein Schnee. Schönbach d. 26.12.
English Translation
Three photos from everyday war life: soldiers of the 408 regiment doing various everyday activities (Richard Schöne is 2nd from right) in Belgium; Soldiers of the 408 regiment on the day of the swearing-in (Richard Schöne in the center); Recording of the swearing-in ceremony.
Field post to Richard Schöne, including from Richard Schöne's brother Georg, who was stationed in Dresden.
Field post from Richard Schöne; Postcards to father Bruno Schöne and mother Alma Schöne from Weimar, Dresden and Königsbrück.
Richard Schöne was employed as a gunner in the Royal Saxon Field Artillery, Regiment 408, 204th Infantry Division, 2nd Battery, on the Western Front, including in Belgium.
Automatically Identified Enrichments
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Enrichment Mode
Edit your workspace view by using the top-right menu.
You can have the white Activity Panel docked to the right (default) , to the bottom , or as an independent overlay . If you just want to view the image, you can hide the panel using the minimise button , and then re-open it with the pen button. Adjust the size and position of your Activity Panel according to your preferences.
You enrich documents by following a step-by-step process.
Make sure you regularly save your enrichments in each step to avoid the risk of losing your work.

Step 1: Transcription
To start a transcription, select the transcription tab at the top menu of the Activity Panel. Click inside the box underneath the heading TRANSCRIPTION and start writing your transcription. When needed, use the toolbar to format your text and to add special characters and tables. A guide to the transcription toolbar is available in the Formatting section of this tutorial.
Identify the language(s) of the text using the dropdown list under the transcription box. You can select multiple languages at once.
If the item has no text to transcribe, tick the checkbox ‘No Text’.
Once you have finished your transcription, click SAVE.

Step 2: Description
You can add a description to the item underneath the Transcription section.
The first task is to identify what type of document the item is: a handwritten or printed document, a postcard, photo, drawing and/or part of a diary. Tick the category which best applies to the item. Multiple categories can be selected at once.
The second task is to write a description of the contents. Click inside the box underneath the heading DESCRIPTION. Here, you can write what the item is, what it is about, and specify the images and objects that appear in the item.
Identify the language of the description text that you wrote using the dropdown list underneath. You can only select one language.
Once you have finished your description, click SAVE.

Step 3: Location
If you find a location mentioned or recognise a place in the item, you can create a geotag and pin it to the item map. Multiple locations can be attached to the item. To tag locations, select the tagging tab at the top menu of the Activity Panel. Click the plus next to the heading LOCATIONS. Type the location into the search bar and select the result that best applies. A new pin will be placed into the map. The location name should be a clear georeference, e.g. a country, city or address. Make adjustments to the location name if necessary. You can also adjust the position of the pin by dragging it on the map. If you want to add further details to the location, you can write a (short) description. This could include extra information about the geotag (e.g. the building name or a significant event that took place at the location) or the relevance of the place to the item (e.g. the hometown of the author). You can also add a Wikidata reference to link the location to a stable source. Search for the reference using the Wikidata fields. Once you have finished your location tag, click SAVE. You can find the place(s) tagged to the item in grey at the bottom of the Location(s) section.Step 4: Tagging
Below the Locations section is the Tagging section, where you can add the following annotations:

Here, you can add dates that correspond to the item. This could include the dates mentioned in the text (e.g. in diary pages), the date of a related historical event (e.g. the end of WWI), or when the item was created (e.g. from a dated signature on an illustration). You can either define this as a single date or as a longer time frame.
To tag dates to the item, write the start and end dates in DD/MM/YYYY format in the fields or select the dates by clicking on the calendar.
If you only have one date to add, insert the same date into both start and end fields.
If you don’t know the exact days, you can also tag the date on the scale of months (MM/YYYY) or years (YYYY).
Once you have finished your date tag, click SAVE DATE.

People mentioned as creators or subjects in the item can also be tagged. Depending on the information you might have, you can enter the person’s first and last names, as well as their dates of birth and death. There is also the option to write a short description of the person, explaining who they are or their relevance to the item, e.g. the person’s occupation or their relation to another tagged person.
Multiple people can be tagged to one item.
Once you have finished your person tag, click SAVE.

Here, you can freely add keywords related to the topic and content of the item. This could include particular themes (e.g. art, music, war), subjects (e.g. children, cooking, France), or particular historical affiliations (e.g. 20th century, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Fall of the Iron Curtain).
Multiple keywords can be added and they can be written in any language.
Write your keyword tag into the field and click SAVE.

External websites with information about the item’s content can be linked here. This could include links to further data about a person mentioned, a particular historical event or links to digital versions of newspapers that appear in photos or clippings in a notebook.
To add a link, click the plus next to the heading ‘Other Sources’. Enter the URL into the Link field, and write a short description of this link in the Additional Description field.
Multiple links can be tagged to one item.
Once you have finished your tag, click SAVE.
Step 5: Mark for Review
Once you have saved your contribution, the task will automatically change to the Edit status. If you think the task is finished, you can mark it for review. Note that you have to be at Runner level or above to do this (see: Miles and Levels). Click on the yellow circle next to the section heading and select Review in the list that appears. The task now needs to go under Review by another volunteer.Formatting


- Transcription: The complete text in the item has been properly transcribed and the transcription is formatted as accurately as possible. The correct language(s) are selected and the transcription contains no missing or unclear icons.
- Description: The description is accurate and detailed (especially items without text to transcribe, e.g. photos), and the appropriate categories have been ticked.
- Location(s): All locations have been correctly tagged. The location name is accurate and matches the coordinates and the pin on the map. The description is clear and concise, and the Wikidata reference (if any) is correct.
- Tagging: Document dates are completed and as precise as possible. All mentioned people are tagged and their data is correct. All added keywords are applicable to the item, and other sources have accurate information and functioning links.
Completion Statuses
Tasks have not been started. |
Tasks have been started, but not yet finished. Additions and edits can still be made. |
Tasks are finished, but need final review by Sprinter or Champion transcribers. |
Tasks have been fully completed and reviewed. No further changes need to be made. |
Miles and Levels
Transcribathon is a competitive marathon. You do not enrich documents alone, but compete and work with other volunteers to ensure the quality of your work. When you first create a Transcribathon account, you only have the ability to start and edit tasks. The more you enrich documents, the closer you become to advancing to a higher level, which can unlock abilities like reviewing and completing tasks.Level | Abilities |
Trainee | Basic abilities: start and edit tasks |
Runner | Basic abilities, mark finished tasks for review |
Sprinter | All Runner abilities, mark reviewed annotations as completed |
Champion | All Sprinter abilities, mark reviewed transcriptions as completed |
Tasks | Miles Received |
Transcription | 1 Mile for every 300 characters transcribed |
Description | 1 Mile for every 5 Descriptions added |
Location | 1 Mile for every 5 Locations added |
Tagging | 1 Mile for every 5 Tags added |
Reviewing | 1 Mile for every 10 items marked as complete |