
Photograph of Coldstream Guards

Photograph of Cpl English's Squad, Coldstream Guards, June, 1918

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May Moran








Europeana 1914-1918



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Europeana 1914-1918


Europeana 1914-1918










May Moran | europeana19141918:agent/8afc26bac991f78a77216728af4039a9
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John Whittle Coldstream Guards

12 Items

Photographs || The pictures come from Mr D Banks, and the pictures show a member of his wife's family, John Whittle, who served in the Coldstream Guards in WW1. Though the family connections are with the North West, Whittle was in training at Aldershot in the latter part of the war

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Picture of Cpl English's Squad | Coldstream Guards 1918Coldstream

1 Item

Photograph of Cpl English's Squad, Coldstream Guards, June 1918 || This photograph was preserved by my Aunt, Bridget (Bea) Moran (1895-1997). Unfortunately the names of those in the picture are not recorded. She had a brother John who was in England during that war and perhaps he is in the picture-I just don't know. He was born in 1886 and died in 1946. He was a policeman in Lancashire and had retired just before his sudden death. His brother Patrick Moran was executed by hanging on March 14th 1921 in Mountjoy Jail. He was involved in the 1916 Easter Rising, was imprisoned in Knutsford and Frongoch, was Captain of D Company, Dublin 2 Brigade and was executed for his alleged involvement in Bloody Sunday, November 21, 1920.He was also active in the trade union movement fighting for betterment of conditions for workers at that time. He was President of the Irish National Union of Vintners, Grocers, and Allied Trades Assistants at the time of his death.

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John William Jones pte Coldstream Guards

19 Items

John was born in 1888 at Appleton Roebuck North Yorkshire. He married Martha on the 2nd Oct 1915 whom he had met whilst working at Wighill vicarage. John joined the Coldstream Guards in December 1915 (Soldier no.18800) and served on the Western front from August 1916. He was seriously wounded on September 20th 1917 at Ypres and as a result of his wounds had to have both legs amputated above the knee. although he had prosthetic legs he actally spent the rest of his life in a wheel chair. He died in 1955. || 3 photos of war service 3 photos of hospital stay 1 press cutting Discharge certificate Colours of Coldstream guards paybook || || Front || 51.28029600000001,-0.08161589999997432 || Photograph || Photograph of the entrance to the Barracks at Caterham || Coldstream Guards - The Barrack Gates Caterham || || Photograph || Sgt. Williams' Squad Coldsteam Guards, October 1916 || Front || Photograph of John william Jones squad taken in October of 1916 || || John William Jones in uniform || Front || Photograph || Photograph of John william Jones in uniform || || John William Jones in the grounds of the hospital || Photograph || Front || Medical || Photograph of Jon William Jones taken in the hospital grounds it isn't known exactly which hospital except that it was in the Midlands || || Photograph of John William Jones taken whilst in hospital it isn't know which hospital he was sent to except that it was in the Midlands. || Front || John William Jones - Hospital || Photograph || || In the hospital ward || Photograph || Photograph of John william Jones in the hospital ward. It isn't known exactly which hospital except that it was in the Midlands. || Front || || Other || The press cutting describes the events which led to John having both legs amputated and that he had been sent to a hospital in the Midlands. || Press cutting reporting John william Jones' injuries || || John William Jones's discharge certificate from the army, giving his length of service and the reason for discharge as shell wound both legs, amputated both thighs he was discharged 22nd October 1918. || Back || Discharge certificate || Official document || || Front || front of certificate giving a address to send it to if found. || Front of discharge Certificate || || Front || State colours of the Coldstream Regiment of Footguards || Official document || State colours of the Coldstream Regiment of Footguards a certificate given to John to inform his relatives and friends that he served his King and country as a soldier in the Coldstream Guards, during the great European war and wa wounded at Ypres. || || Cover of pay book for use on active service || Official document || || page 1 || page one of John William Jones's paybook gives instructions to soldiers on how the paybook should be used and what to do if is lost also that once on active service page 18 may be used for their will. || Official document || || pages two and three || Official document || These pages give details of regiment date of attestation, age on enlistment and rate of pay. || || pages four and five || Official document || || Official document || pages six and seven || these pages list payments to John William Jones between May and August 1917 || || List of payments made up to 14 September 1917 the week before he was wounded. || pages eight and nine || Official document || || Pages twelve gives instructions and examples of a will and and page thirteen shows John's own will. || Pages twelve and thirteen || Official document || || Official document || List of clothing issued to troops of the expeditionary force || Alist of all the clothing issued tot he soldier and the quantites of each for example 3 pairs of worsted socks, 2 flannel shirts, 120 rounds of ammunition || || Last page of paybook || This final page is signed confirming all the equipment, clothing etc. has been issued and is complete

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