
Captain David L Condon | Royal Munster Fusiliers

The four Condon brothers; David Condon; button of the Royal Munster Fusiliers; print by Matana of last absolution of the Munster Fusiliers at Mons; Victory Medal; Christopher O'Connor's project on his great grandfather.
My father, David Condon was a Captain in the Royal Munster Fusiliers in WW1. He was born in 1888 in Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. Before he was born his family had been evicted from their farm. When my father was 20, he went to Dublin to work in a draper's shop. He joined the army there along with his three brothers, Michael, Maurice and Billy. Amazingly, they all survived the war. David didn't even suffer an injury although he had a lucky escape when a sniper shot a much taller companion in the head as he stood beside him in the trench. The companion's name was Colonel Kane. Other than this story he never liked to talk about the war very much. He was mentioned in a despatch by Field Marshal Haig for his gallant and distinguished service in the field. He hated going to funerals as he had seen the finest of young men laid in the ground with a mere hurried few words and none of the pomp and ceremony some funerals had. He joined the army in 1915 and was recalled from the front in 1917. He was commissioned after a course at the Officers Training College in Bristol. He became a steward of Borrmount Manor, Co. Wexford for Loftus Bryan after the war and then bought a farm in the locality.

Condon brothers
Four brothers in uniform: David, Billy, Michael and Maurice Condon
David Condon, Royal Munster Fusiliers
David Condon
Button Royal Munster Fusiliers
Munster Fusiliers button from David Condon's coat
General Absolution at Rue du Bois
The Last General Absolution of the Munsters at Rue-du-Bois, a print by F. Matania
David Condon's Victory Medal (obverse)
Victory Medal - David Condon
Victory Medal - David Condon (back)
David Condon's Victory Medal (reverse)
David Condon's obituary
Obituary of David Condon
Christopher O'Connor's school project about his great grandfather, David Condon
School project - David Condon

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Joan O'Connor and her grandson
Christopher O'Connor








Europeana 1914-1918



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Christopher O'Connor












Europeana 1914-1918


Europeana 1914-1918






Joan O'Connor and her grandson | Christopher O'Connor | europeana19141918:agent/738d9be465df262d541a26d5558d11ff
Michael | Maurice and Billy Condon | europeana19141918:agent/8a1b40159dd28b07a5bf4c8aaf5eb5ef
David Condon | europeana19141918:agent/ea021e2fb96d08abbe8591a9a9836378


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