
Memorabilia of Patrick Drury | Kings Liverpool Regiment

My grand uncle, Patrick Drury, was probably from the Old Watergate area of Limerick, Ireland. I don't know anything about his life before the War. He joined the King's Liverpool Regiment (Private No. 9238). The photograph on the postcard here is probably of Patrick though it may be his brother Joseph (Joseph is the name given on the back). Patrick died during the War, though we don't know how. My father only spoke about this once. The postcard has Joseph Drury, Royal Munster Fusiliers, ? II Battalion, Limburg (?), Germany. This could still relate to Patrick if the regiment was decimated as people were moved to new regiments when this happened.
(1) Document accompanying the 1914-15 Star medal; (2) Document accompanying the Victory medal;(3) Medals: 1914-15 Star medal & Victory medal; (4) Postcard with photograph possibly of Patrick Drury; (5) Memorial scroll

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Mary Browne








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Joseph Drury | europeana19141918:agent/5bb72f1e24eb61a25f3a1d905f0645d9
Mary Browne | europeana19141918:agent/8ff93f7f2b4f8f0b51c1b5ad70caa5e0
Patrick Drury | europeana19141918:agent/f2020030c2386bfd3d917fad21adb72c


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Memorabilia of Sgt. Patrick Holland | Leinster Regiment and 8th Hussars

30 Items

Three medals with ribbons; Postcard from Southampton, 1909, from Patrick to his wife; Postcard with photograph of J. Smyth; Photographs of his discharge certificate; Character certificate (Army Form B, 2067); Ministry of Pensions document, 1920; Certificate of Discharge (Army Form B, 2079); War Office Records document, 1957, of service; Pension Appeals Tribunal (Entitlement) document; Copy of photograph of Patrick with his wife and children || My grandfather, Sgt. Patrick Holland, was born in 1888 in Templemore, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Before the war he was a groom although his Pension Appeals Tribunal (Entitlement) document notes that he was a baker. He enlisted at Templemore on 10/12/06 at about 18 years of age. He married Lizzie in 1906 and they had two children. His Certificate of Discharge states that he trained in medical duties in Longmoor in 1908. There is some contradictions in his records with regard to when he moved from the Leinster Regiment to the 8th Hussars. The War Office document states that enlisted in the Leinster Regiment on 10/12/1906 and was transferred to the 8th Hussars on 01/03/1909. His Pension Appeals Tribunal (Entitlement) document notes that he was in 8th Hussars from 10/12/1906 to 03/08/1914 and in 8th Hussars from 04/08/1914 to 30/04/1919. Presumably this is a mistake and it meant to note that he was in the Leinster Regiment from 10/12/1906 to 03/08/1914? There is a postcard from Southampton dated 1909, before he sailed for India. He served in India until 1914. His Pension Appeals Tribunal (Entitlement) document, however, states that he served in India from 04/08/1914 to 14/10/1914. I heard a story that when he was coming back from India, he thought he was coming home on leave but was sent to France. He served in France from 15/10/1914 to 6/03/1918 and in Egypt from 7/03/1918 to 15/03/1919. He was discharged in 1919. His discharge refers (dated 30/04/1919 in War Office document) to him being surplus to requirements and an impairment. I know he had malaria that was recurring. He had a silver war badge but I don't have that. He never spoke about his war. His nephew once asked him if he had met Lawrence of Arabia and he said yes. He was in a restaurant with a group when the table cloth got caught in a belt and took the table with it. An argument ensued with the restaurant owner and their superiors were involved. Lawrence was at the restaurant and defended the fact that it was an accident. My grandmother' s two brothers were also in the army. One died in Bombay. I am unsure who J. Smyth is in the photograph but it must be a relative? Patrick became a postman after the war in Templemore. He was called an auxiliary postman because he had no Irish. he died on 2 July 1968, aged 80. || || 3 Medals of Patrick Holland and ribbons. || Front || Patrick Holland || Medal || Medals of Patrick Holland || || Back || Patrick Holland || Medal || 3 Medals of Patrick Holland and ribbons. || Medals of Patrick Holland || || Southampton, England || Postcard to Mrs. Holland from Patrick sent before sailing from Southampton to India. || Postcard || Front || || Postcard || Back || Postcard to Mrs. Holland from Patrick sent before sailing from Southampton to India. || Southampton, England || || Postcard from J. Smyth, addressed Dear Mother. || Postcard from J. Smyth. || Postcard || J. Smyth || Front || || Postcard from J. Smyth, addressed Dear Mother. || Postcard || Back || Postcard from J. Smyth. || || Official document || Character Certificate || York, England || Patrick Holland || Back || Character Certificate of Patrick Holland detailing service in the 8th Hussars. || || Character Certificate of Patrick Holland detailing service in the 8th Hussars. || York, England || Patrick Holland || Official document || Front || Character Certificate || || Honorable discharge document of Patrick Holland || Honorable discharge document of Patrick Holland. || Patrick Holland || Official document || || 51.4865187,-0.17123109999999997 || Patrick Holland || Official document || Patrick Holland's Pensions Document || || War Office Document || Official document || York, England || Back || Patrick Holland || || Official document || Front || War Office Document || Patrick Holland || York, England || || Patrick Holland || Military Service Document outlining records of Patrick Holland. || Official document || Hayes, England || Military Service Document || || Pension Appeals Tribunal Document concerning Lizzie Holland (Patrick's Widow) || Pension Appeals Tribunal Document || Official document || Patrick and Lizzie Holland || || Photograph || Patrick Holland and family || Photo of Patrick Holland with his wife and two children

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John Stafford | 5th Liverpool Regiment

1 Item

Portrait photograph of John Stafford, 5th Liverpool Regiment || Portrait photograph of John Stafford, 5th Liverpool Regiment in uniform. Stafford, served at the Battle of the Somme (August 1916) where he was wounded. He wrote down his memoir of that incident. His daughter, Joan Almond, recorded a brief interview about her father. Private John Andrew Stafford, from Liverpool, served in the 5th Liverpool Regiment. His regiment number was 3083 (then 200947). His Medal Award card (online) shows he was eligible for the Victory medal and the British medal (reference H/2/102 B35 p4971), as well as the 1915 Star (reference H/2/7B p1598), and that he went overseas to France on 21 February 1915. Later he moved to Preston. After the Second World War Stafford was awarded the MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for his services. This is a photograph of a photocopy. || || John Andrew Stafford || Photograph || 53.41157519999999,-2.990087399999993

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Memorabilia of Patrick Dorgan | Royal Munster Fusiliers

18 Items

Patrick Dorgan was in the Royal Munster Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion (no. 8764). He was born in 1890 and was from Claren? (Clarence?) Street, Cork, Ireland. He enlisted on 6 July, 1908. He was a POW from 1915, in Limburg POW camp. He was discharged on 1 April, 1919. He received the medal trio. || Certificate of Education (degree); Certificate of Transfer to Reserves; Treatment of Enemy POW; Statement of Extraordinary experience in German Internment Camp; Photograph of Limburg Internment Camp - memorial - cross; Royal Munster Fusiliers Old Comrade Association dinner menu, 1929, with signatures (back and front); Photograph of Patrick Dorgan in uniform; Photograph of Patrick Dorgan group - POW; Photograph of Patrick Dorgan group - post-war (Patrick is back left). || || Patrick Dorgan || Statement of extraordinary circumstances in German Internment Camps of Patrick Dorgan || Statement of extraordinary circumstances in German Internment Camps || Official document || || Official document || Patrick Dorgan || Statement of extraordinary circumstances in German Internment Camps || Statement of extraordinary circumstances in German Internment Camps of Patrick Dorgan (2nd scan) || || Certificate of transfer to reserves || Patrick Dorgan || Official document || Certificate of transfer to reserves of Patrick Dorgan || || Patrick Dorgan || Certificate of Education of Patrick Dorgan || Official document || || Prisoners of War || Remembrance || Limburg Camp || Photo of cross erected by Irish Prisoners of War commemorating comrades who died at Limburg Prison Camp, Germany. || Photograph || Photo of cross erected by Irish Prisoners of War commemorating comrades who died at Limburg Prison Camp, Germany || || Royal Munster Fusilier's Old Comrades' Association || The Royal Munster Fusiliers' Old Comrades' Association Dinner Menu || The Royal Munster Fusiliers' Old Comrades' Association Dinner Menu. Folded open to show front and back, with signatures written on the back. || Remembrance || Memorabilia || || The Royal Munster Fusiliers' Old Comrades' Association Dinner Menu. Folded open to show inside pages, with menu on left and toasts on right. || Remembrance || The Royal Munster Fusiliers' Old Comrades' Association Dinner Menu || Memorabilia || Royal Munster Fusiliers - Old Comrades' Association || || Patrick Dorgan || Photo of Patrick Dorgan in group of soldiers || Photograph || || Photo of Patrick Dorgan || Photo of Patrick Dorgan in uniform || Patrick Dorgan || Photograph

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