
Czechoslovakian veterans association badge

This Czechoslovakian badge was for members of the Czechoslovak-based veterans association from the First World War. The central part of the badge has three heads in profile, wearing traditional headwear of, respectively, the armies of Russia, France with the Adrian-pattern helmet, and Serbia with the traditional 'sajkaca' cap. Beneath them is the self-explanatory text 'RUSKO - FRANCIE - SRBSKO', corresponding to the figures above them. Above the central figures is the Czech text 'KRUH STARODRUZINIK V PRAZE', which translates as 'The Circle of Old-Companions in Prague'. The 'Druzina' was originally a battalion formed by Czechs and Slovaks in Russia in 1914, to fight the Central Powers, with many of their forces coming from Czechs and Slovaks who has been recruited as prisoners-of-war. The Czechs and Slovaks fought for Russia, as part of its army, including the Russian Civil War against the Bolsheviks. Also in France, where some Czechs and Slovaks joined the French Foreign Legion when the war broke out and, eventually, embryonic parts of an independent Czechoslovak Army was established with the help of the French. Also, in Italy, where Czech and Slovak, as well as some other Slavs, formed reconnaissance units that were part of the Italian Army. Serbian volunteers were also recruited in Russia for the Serbian Volunteer Corps, originally from Serbian POW's, and, later on, other nationalities joined in addition to the Serbs such as Slovenes, Croats, and Czechs. To spell things out, Austro-Hungary had in its army many proto-nationalities and peoples, for want of a better expression, a proportion of whom did not have faith in a Habsburg-led future. When some of these people became prisoners-of-war of the Allies, having fought for the Austro-Hungarian army, they were recruited from having been prisoners in the tens of thousands by Allied armies that offered them a chance to fight against the state that they had known and lived in and did not want. From being prisoners-of-war, they could gain their freedom, change uniform, be given a rifle, and take on their 'old country' foe. Consider that, in 1914, the Czechs and Slovaks did not have an army of their own and were absorbed into the Austro-Hungarian armed forces. By the end of the war, they had their own army and country.
Czechoslovakian veterans association badge.

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Špiro Vranješ








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