
Alfred Hunton's Small Book and papers

Small Book & medals & papers (inside)
Alfred Hunton, 3rd then 9th Norfolk Regiment, was the grandfather of Jill Gooch who has contributed his Soldiers' Small Book with medals, badges and service papers. He was a shoemaker - a family tradition (the contributor and her parents also worked in the shoe industry). No story is attached to A. Hunton; nothing has passed down to the family. One of the medals belonged to Pte Wright, but his identity is unknown. The cap badge (Royal Artillery) is also unrelated.

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Jill Gooch








Europeana 1914-1918



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Europeana 1914-1918


Europeana 1914-1918












Jill Gooch | europeana19141918:agent/412ed1b466538c347507cef78acd3ef9
Alfred Hunton | europeana19141918:agent/db68c5820617114ab7da6ad8448c74f5


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