
Lt. Col. John Patrick (Jack) Hunt

Medals (not all from WW1)

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Mark Doyle








Europeana 1914-1918



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Europeana 1914-1918


Europeana 1914-1918






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John Patrick Mc Ghee

8 Items

- Princcess Mary Gift Box, 1915, met nieuwjaarskaartje 1915 en potloodje met monogram (juni 1910, gebruikt in 1914); 4 munten die hij in de box bewaarde: 2 franse en 2 britse (waarvan 1 trenchart: uitgesneden); - 3 medailles met bijhorende linten op 1 medaille kan je het nummer aflezen: 03010 pte A.O.C || Eleanor Kenny vertelt het verhaal van de overgrootvader van haar man, John Patrick Mc Ghee (geboren in 1878) John Patrick leefde en werkte in Bridgeton (Glasgow) als plaatslager (Steward Lloyd's). Hij huwde Agnes Mc Guinness. Toen hij naar de oorlog trok had hij 2 kinderen: John en Kate. Later kwam er nog een dochter bij: Agnes. Hij was een vrij stille man die amper iets vertelde over de oorlog. Agnes kreeg later een dochter die ze ook Agnes noemde die haar grootvader toch zo ver kreeg er iets over te vertellen. Zo kreeg ze te horen dat hij tijdens de oorlog mee hielp bij de smid om paarden te beslaan. Hij kreeg shrapnel in z'n been tijdens de oorlog. Elke dag, en dat voor 40 jaar, verving hij het verband rond z'n been. Pas op 77-jarige leeftijd werd het stuk metaal verwijderd. || || Collection || Xmas Box, pencil/bullet || || Collection || Xmas Box, pencil/bullet || || Xmas Box, pencil/bullet || Collection || || Collection || Xmas Box, pencil/bullet || || Coins (Fr & UK) || Memorabilia || || John Patrick Mc Ghee || Medal || Interallied Victory Medal || Remembrance || || Medal || John Patrick Mc Ghee || 1914-1915 Star medal || || Medal || John Patrick Mc Ghee || British commemorative medal

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Patrick and John O'Rourke

52 Items

Postcards and photos Letter || Patrick (Paddy) and John O'Rourke were brothers of my Mother and were from Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny in Ireland. There was only about 2 years between them. They appear in several of the photos together. They were both members of the Southern Irish Horse and were based in Clonmel and Fermoy. Patrick was injured in the Somme and suffered from shellshock. In 1922 he was admitted to a mental home in Kilkenny City. He died sometime in the 1980s. John was based in the depot and never served abroad, but he was a fine shot. He lived into his 80s and had a family. Marcello referred to in postcards was my mother. Because Paddy served abroad, most of the items are connected with him rather than John. || || Photo of Soldiers || Photograph || || Front || Home Front || Letter to Patrick and John's sister from a (Private?) Pick. || Letter to Miss O'Rourke from Pick || Riverstown, Co. Cork, Ireland || Miss O'Rourke || Letter || || Home Front || Back || Miss O'Rourke || Letter to Patrick and John's sister from a (Private?) Pick. || Letter || Riverstown, Co. Cork, Ireland || Letter to Miss O'Rourke from Pick || || Multiple || Photos and Postcard from Patrick (Paddy) || || Postcard || Backs of postcards. Some addressed to Mrs. (?) O'Rourke, Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. || Deutsch || English || Postcards || (Mrs.?) O'Rourke || || Front || Postcards || Français || English || Postcard || || Postcard || Miss O'Rourke || Back || Postcards, one of which is to Miss O'Rourke from Patrick (Paddy). || Postcards || || Photos || Photograph || || Photos || Photograph || || Postcard || France || Postcards || Postcards including one from Paddy to May O'Rourke. || || Photo of Bureau de Poste || Photograph || Français || || Postcards, including one from Paddy to his mother. || Back || Postcard || Postcards || || Photo of destruction || Photo/postcard showing destruction of unknown village (location scribbled out) due to War. || Photograph || Français || || Photo of Soldiers || Photograph || || Photograph || Photo of Soldier(s) || || Photo of Soldiers || Photograph || || Back || Postcard from Patrick (Paddy) to his sister(s) || Postcard || || Marcello || Postcard to Marcello (Patrick and John's sister) from Partick (Paddy) || Letter || Postcard to Marcello from Paddy || Back || || Postcard || Back || || Photograph || Photo of Soldiers on horseback || || Photograph || Photo || || Postcard from May to Father || Postcard from May to Father (Outside) || || Postcard from May to Father || Postcard from May to Father (Inside) || Postcard || || Français || Postcard || English || Christmas postcards

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Patrick Hayes | Michael Fitzhenry | Jack Duggan

4 Items

Pat Hayes was our grandfather. He was a merchant sailor and told us of his adventures all over the world but never spoke about the war. He died 27 June 1973. It was several years later before we even knew he was in the war when our mother showed his medals one day to Bernadette. Our grandmother was Annie Duggan and Jack Duggan was her brother. He was born about 1884 and he was a sailor also, service number T2687. Like Pat Hayes, Jack never spoke of his experiences during the war either. Michael Fitzhenry was Monica’s husband’s uncle. He was the son of Edward and Margaret Fitzhenry, Mulrankin and worked as a blacksmith before joining the Royal Irish Regiment, #4423. He suffered frost bite in the trenches at the front and was invalided home. Just a few weeks after he returned to his battalion on the front he was killed in action at Ypres on 8 May 1915. || Patrick Hayes' memory card; Patrick Hayes' medals; Jack Duggan's medals; Michael Fitzhenry's medals.

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