Vojnová propaganda
Súbor plagátov, ktoré som priniesol, dokumentuje úroveň propagandy uhorskej vlády. Jej úlohou bolo zburcovať masy a presvedčiť ich o rýchlom a ľahkom úspechu dobre pripravenej rakúsko-uhorskej armády počas 1. svetovej vojny. Heslá sú písané v maďarskom jazyku.
Ing. Koval Ján
Europeana 1914-1918
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Propaganda austriaca
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Manifestino di propaganda austriaca, rivolto ai soldati italiani (e facente leva sul tradimento dell’Italia e sull’importanza del porto di Trieste per l’Austria – e sulla sua inutilità per l’Italia), non datato ma risalente al 1918, è stato trovato, con altro materiale cartaceo vario – tra cui il diario della postazione telefonica – alla fine degli anni ’80 dentro una baracca, una postazione austriaca praticamente integra, a 3400 m s.l.m. nel Gruppo dell’Ortles
Anti War Propaganda
1 Item
We found this postcard, which appears to be an anti-war propaganda card in amongst my great, great Aunty Mary's postcard collection. She was born in 1894 and collected a large number of postcards throughout her life, from the late 1890s through the the 1970s. As she had no children of her own she passed her collection on to my dad before she died in 1980. This is a particularly unusual card in her collection, but we know very little about it, although it is very detailed and intricate. We would be very interested to know what all the details represent and how she might have come to have been given it. It is particularly interesting because I understand Derby to have been a particularly strong area for pacifism, conscientious objection and anti-war feeling and it would be interesting to know whether the reason the Staton family lost none of its many young men living in the area at the time was because they were part of this movement - from amongst Mary's 12 male cousins and brothers aged between 18 and 35 at the time of the war only one has any record of war service at all. || Anti-war propaganda postcard || || Front || Postcard || The Naval Mounted Horse - Anti-War Propaganda Postcard