
Kitchener's Army recruit at The Somme and Ypres

My grandfather John Drawbell was born on 17 July 1870 in Linlithgow, Scotland. The story went that he left home when he was very young and joined the Highland Light Infantry. He stayed in the army all his life, spending several years, I believe, in India. I know he was based at Edinburgh Castle as my mother was Christened in St Margaret's Chapel there in 1906. As a pre-war regular he was commissioned as Lieutenant into the 11th battalion part of K1. According to historian Everett Sharp, K1 was the first of six new armies named after Herbert Kitchener, then Britain's Secretary of State for War, who recognised there was a need for many men for a long war on the continent. Sharp says that because of the small size of the British Army at the outbreak of the war, all men with previous military experience were welcomed back with open arms, even at the advanced age of 44. According to Sharp, it looks as though my grandfather went into action at The Somme after training to France, later moving on to Ypres, then Passchendaele in July 1917, when in the same month he was promoted to captain. There is a note that he was mentioned in dispatches four times in 1916 and 1917. His medals were the 1914 Star, War Medal and Victory Medal. After the war he brought me up almost single-handed until I was 10 as my mother was ill with MS. Sergeant Service No 3530 Campaign medals - India Medal Clasps Awarded: Punjab Frontier 1895-1902
Service Book John Drawhill

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Anna Lever








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‘Pals’ at the Somme

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Fred Heslop || || Four Orton men including Fred (tallest) in front of Carlisle racecourse stadium. The news of his death came in letters from two of his friends in this picture. Photo courtesy of Colin Bardgett. || Fred Heslop with friends

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The Cyclist Corps at the Somme

12 Items

Bill and Joe Kendrick were my uncles and were from Taghmon, Co. Wexford in Ireland. There were five boys in the family, Samuel, William (Bill), Joseph (Joe), Ernest and my father, Bertie. Sam and Ernie had diabetes and didn't go to the war, and my father, born in 1904, was too young to serve. Bill joined a horse regiment during the war. He was gassed but survived and he survived the war, too. Joe was born on 7 July 1893. During the war he served in the Army Corps of Cyclists, 36th Division attached to the 10th Corps Cyclist Battalion. Joe was at the Somme, Ypres and we think in Flanders, too. He used to visit my family every Christmas but although I was interested in the war, Joe would never talk about it. However, Joe did an interview for the Irish Times newspaper in July 1976 for the 60th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme and shared his memories: I don't know whether I was afraid. You couldn't have time then to think or to have nerves. Our nerves was gone, sure, by that time. We were on ordinary push bikes, bikes you'd see in the street, you know. Our jobs were different: sometimes to go ahead and report on the German's movements and sometimes going behind the lines or then maybe carrying ammunition. We were meant to work together with the cavalry, them in the fields and us on the road. But there wasn't much cavalry at the Somme, I think, I can't remember all that much, I was only in my 20s…But I do remember that when the fighting started you couldn't be worried about fear or anything. The place was full of machine guns, rockets, hand bombs and terrible noise. Explosions going off all the time. I know we went over the top in a three-way move, one on the right, the 36th in the middle, and one on the left. How did I survive? I was one of the lucky ones that got through, that's all. My number mustn't have been up…The weather was melting, like now it was. And they couldn't get food to us, only our emergency rations. Terrible stuff: a tin of bully beef and a few hard biscuits. Joe was severely gassed in 1917 but he survived and was in France the day the war ended. All I remember is hearing the command to cease fire…and then the cafes and the pubs opened and we got some free beer. Joe worked in Clery's in Dublin once he had recovered from the war and spent over forty years as an employee there. He died in 1978 and is buried in St Munn's graveyard, Taghmon. || Photographs: Joseph Kendrick in uniform; Joseph and and his brother Ernie; Bill Kendrick on horse;formal regiment photo; informal regiment photo;Protection and Identity cert, Joseph; Demobilisation cert, Joseph; Notice of War Medals, Joseph; Certificate of Employment during the War, Joseph; Newspaper article, Irish Times, 1 July 1976; 'Veterans of the Battlefield', Joseph Kendrick and Henry Blee in 1976; Joe's memoir, from Irish Times article. || || Joseph Kendrick || Joseph 'Joe' Kendrick, Army Cyclist Corps || Photograph || || Photograph || Joseph and Ernest Kendrick || Joseph Kendrick (standing) and his brother Ernest || || William 'Bill' Kendrick || Photograph || William Kendrick in uniform || || Regimental photograph || Photograph || Regimental formal picture || Remembrance || || Photograph || Regimental photograph, informal || || Official document || Joseph Kendrick || Protection Certificate and Certificate of Identity, Joseph Kendrick || || Official document || Joseph Kendrick || Certificate of Demobilization, Joseph Kendrick || || Official document || Notification of War Medals, Joseph Kendrick || Joseph Kendrick || || Certificate of Employment during the War || Official document || Joseph Kendrick || || Other || Irish Times article, 1 July 1976 || Remembrance || || Newspaper photograph of Joseph Kendrick, 1976 || Other || Veterans of the Battlefield, Joseph Kendrick and Henry Blee || Remembrance || || Joseph Kendrick's memoir of the Somme || Memoir of the Somme || Other || Remembrance

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My Father and the Battle of the Somme

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Photograph of Lieut. Leslie Gordon Lee, MC, MA (Oxon) || This story is about my father Leslie Gordon Lee. In November 1914 he was living in Cowley in Oxford and studying Classics at Jesus College; he was 22 years old (he took his war B.A. in 1916). He was commissioned in November 1914 as a lieutenant in the 9th Yorks (Service) Battalion, stationed at Folkestone and Maidstone in Kent in February 1915 and landing at Boulogne in August 1915. On 5th July 1916, he fought in the assault and capture of Horseshoe Trench at the Battle of the Somme and on 10th July 1916 his brigade took part in the Battle of Contalmaison, to capture a heavily defended position known as 'Bailiff Wood'. He was shot in the head and evacuated via Rouen to the hospital ship 'St Andrew' and from there to the Queen Alexandra Military Hospital in London. He was awarded the Military Cross in January 1917 and in February 1917 was appointed to the Contracts Department in the Ministry of Munitions. After the war, he became a senior civil servant in the Ministry of Labour but suffered from very poor health (and had to have many examinations and health checks). He died in 1936 of tuberculosis as a result of the chlorine gas he had breathed in during the war. || || Photograph || A portrait photograph of my father, Leslie Gordon Lee, in the uniform of the 9th Yorks.(Service) Battalion. || Leslie Gordon Lee || A photograph of my father, Leslie Gordon Lee || || Leslie Gordon Lee || Trench Life || Other

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