
Photograph of the Three Hourihane Brothers Who Served in WW1

Photograph of the three Hourihane brothers who served in WW1.
This photograph shows the three Hourihane brothers who served in WW1. Joseph Hourihane is shown first on back row. He won the M.C. and died in 1935 of T.B. Thomas Hourihane is seated in the middle of the front row. He was shot in India. Gerald Hourihane is second on the back row. He died of T.B. in 1948. The photograph may have been taken in Derry.

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Brenda Slowey Hourihane








Europeana 1914-1918



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Europeana 1914-1918


Europeana 1914-1918












Joseph Hourihane | europeana19141918:agent/71fd7827189205b1d5ab757213e29142
Thomas Hourihane | europeana19141918:agent/be56fde167523ddb260b6f4b225c88b8
Brenda Slowey Hourihane | europeana19141918:agent/df8ee1eaaf283c24292a28853080f9d5


2012-03-28 16:22:13 UTC
2012-04-09 21:26:03 UTC



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A photograph of the Hanna family | of East Dulwich | London | with my three uncles and my father who all later fought in WW1

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The Hanna family, who lived in East Dulwich, London, can be seen in one of the photographs. It shows my father (centre) and his three brothers, my uncles, who all fought in WW1. Arthur Edward Hanna (born 1888 Taunton – 1917 k.i.a) is standing top left while Francis Charles Hanna, or Frank (1885 Taunton – 1933 Arundel) is seated below him. My father Walter John Hanna (1891 Dulwich – 1960 Bath), who served in the Civil Service Rifles during WW1, losing an eye in Passchendaele, is in the centre. Hugh Hanna (1894 Dulwich – 1970 Frome), who won the Military Medal in WW1, is seated on the floor. My grandmother, Elizabeth Hanna, nee Horder (1856 Yeovil – 1944 Patcham) is seated left, while my aunt, Frances Hanna (1883 Tralee – 1977 Bath), is standing at the back.

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Three brothers at the Front

6 Items

William and Elizabeth's wedding photograph, 1918; William's British War Medal (obverse); William's British War Medal (reverse); William's Victory medal (obverse); William's Victory medal (reverse); John J.'s grave, Bailleul Communal Cemetery in France. || William Gill was my maternal grandfather and he and his two brothers, John J. and Martin served in France during WW1. They were born in Ballyclemock, Newbawn, Co. Wexford in Ireland. John J. served first in the Royal Dublin Fusiliers and then with the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. He died from wounds received in battle on 21 October 1916 and is buried in Bailleul Communal Cemetery in France. Martin was the youngest. He had gone to Wales to work in the coal mines. He joined the Welsh Regiment in March 1914, before the war. He was severely wounded on several occasions but survived the war although he had a metal plate in his head from his injuries. After the war he married and lived in Co. Wexford. My grandfather, William served with the Irish Guards and was at the Somme. He often told my father stories about the war of an evening by the fire. Once they were in the trenches and they had a letter they wanted to bring to the command centre to ask for help. It was night time. My grandfather volunteered to go and, as he told it, he used the light from the shells exploding around him to light his way. He had to stop and lie low when it was dark and run for it when the area was lit up. Brigadier Plunkett from Newbawn, Co. Wexford told my father that my grandfather was offered a promotion to a desk job at one point during the war but refused it saying that he wanted 'another crack' at the enemy. He also told this story himself. His attitude was that you had to stay and fight it out. He also recounted how they would raise their helmets up over the trenches perched on their rifles and draw sniper fire so they would know where the snipers were. William married Elizabeth Kelly in 1918 and settled down in Co. Wexford. || || Photograph || Wedding photograph, William and Elizabeth (Kelly) Gill || Remembrance || Wedding photograph of my grandparents, William Gill ad Elizabeth Kelly, 1918 || || Medal || William's British War Medal (obverse) || British War Medal - William Gill || || William's British War Medal (reverse) || William Gill's British War Medal || Medal || || William's Victory Medal (obverse) || Medal || Remembrance || William Gill's Victory Medal (obverse) || || William Gill's Victory Medal || William's Victory Medal (reverse) || Medal || || Photograph || 50.736482,2.735590000000002 || John J. Gill's gravestone, Bailleul Communal Cemetery || Remembrance

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The three Barry brothers and Myles Whelan

6 Items

Photographs: John Barry; Michael Barry; William and Tommy Barry; John Barry memorial scroll; Michael Barry memorial scroll; Princess Mary gift box, Christmas 1914 (William’s); Discharge papers, William Barry; || John, Michael and William Barry were my great-uncles, my grandmother Mary Barry Whelan’s brothers. Their parents were John and Bridget Barry of Neamstown, Kilmore Quay, Wexford, Ireland. My great uncle, John Barry was born on 30 November 1888 and joined the Royal Dublin Fusiliers in January 1915. His service number was 17986. He was killed in action in the Balkans on 7 December 1915, aged 26. His name is inscribed on the Doiran memorial in Greece. My grandmother, Mary Barry Whelan kept a diary of all the events related to her brothers and kept their scrolls and photos on the wall of her hallway. They were the first things you saw when you went through the door. Michael Barry was born in June 1890 and joined the Welsh Regiment on 20 July 1916. He was killed in Cambrin in France on 23 July 1918 at 10:25 pm. Michael had arrived in France on Christmas Day 1916. He and some other Wexford men are remembered on a plaque in Maesteg church about five miles from Bridgend in Wales. William was born on 22 May 1896. He walked from Kilmore to Wexford town on 17 May 1917 to join the Royal Irish Regiment, service number 157749. He served in the Machine Gun Corps and was seriously wounded on 23 March 1918 in France. He was discharged in 1919 as no longer physically fit for war service. He was permanently disabled and bedridden and my grandmother looked after him and spent much of her time going up and down to him. He died in Nemestown about nine years late and is buried in Grange cemetery there. Unfortunately for the family the remaining brother Tommy died young also in 1926, so that was all the Barry sons deceased in the space of ten years. From 1911 to 1927, Bridget Barry, my great-grandmother lost her four sons, her husband and one daughter. Three girls remained and they married and lived to old age. My grandmother, Mary Barry always kept their memory alive. She married Myles Whelan who enlisted in the Royal Munster Fusiliers in 1916 and was discharged in 1918. || || Balkans || Remembrance || John Barry || John Barry, Royal Dublin Fusiliers || Photograph || || Photograph || Michael Barry || Remembrance || Michael Barry, Welsh Regiment || Western Front || || Remembrance || William and Tommy Barry || Western Front || Photograph || || John Barry || Remembrance || Official document || John Barry memorial scroll || || Michael Barry memorial scroll || Remembrance || Michael Barry || Official document || || Princess Mary brass gift box, Christmas 1914 || William Barry's Princess Mary brass gift box, Christmas 1914 || Other || Remembrance

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