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Kiel Schulamt | Beteiligung der Schuljugend an kriegswirtschaftlichen Arbeiten (Landwirtschaft | Sammlungen | Werben für die Kriegsanleihen) | 1917-1919
Item 40
Transcription: item 40 14. Mädchen=Volksschule Kiel, den 3. November 1917. (Gr. Ziegel-straße). Stempel Schulverwaltung →♦← DER STADT KIEL Zur Verfügung vom Eing 6-NOV.1917 30. Oktober 1917. Tgb. Nr......... .......Anl. Es sind gesammelt worden: 6 kg Kastanien, 3 kg Eicheln, 17 kg Brombeeren, 16 kg Pflaumensteine ¼ kg Kürbiskerne, 1½ " Knochen, 20 Konservendosen für 60 Pf Zinn, ferner 9740 M zur Kriegsanleihe und Kriegsanleiheverrsicherung. Brocker. An die Städtische Schuldeputation Kiel.
Kiel Schulamt | Beteiligung der Schuljugend an kriegswirtschaftlichen Arbeiten (Landwirtschaft | Sammlungen | Werben für die Kriegsanleihen) | 1917-1919
Item 39
Transcription: 3. Mädchen-Volkschule Kiel Kiel, den 3. Nov 1917 (Karlstalstraße) (Eingangsstempel) Schulverwaltung der Stadt Kiel Eing 6. NOV 1917 Tgb Nr.................. ........Ant. Die Beteiligung der Schuljugend an kriegswirtschaftlichen Arbeiten: gesammelt sind: Pflaumensteine 15 kg Kirschsteine 12 " Eicheln 2 1/2 " Kastanien 1 " Mehlbeeren 1 1/2 " Kürbiskerne 1 " Papier 30 " Konserven 120 " Gummi 1,5 " Hindenburgspende 36,15 M Jugendspende für Kriegerwaisen 190,00 M Kriegsanleihe 445,00 M An die Heuer, Rektor städtische Schuldeputation hier ------------ (Kopierfehler?) geringe Mengen an Kürbiskernen, Mehlbeeren Kastanien, Eicheln
Kiel Schulamt | Beteiligung der Schuljugend an kriegswirtschaftlichen Arbeiten (Landwirtschaft | Sammlungen | Werben für die Kriegsanleihen) | 1917-1919
Item 28
Transcription: item 28 II. Knaben=Volksschule Kiel, den 3. Nov. 1917 (Hebbelstraße). Zum Schreiben vom 30 Oktbr. 1917. Stempel Schulverwaltung DER STADT KIEL Eing. 5-NOV.1917 Tgb.Nr. ..... Anl. Bericht über die Beteiligung der Schule an Kriegswirtschaftlichen Arbeiten im Jahre 1917. 1. Landwirtschaft: Im Frühjahr stellten sich reichlich 40 Schüler der oberen Klassen für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiten bereitwilligst zur Verfügung. Sie wurden aber nicht angefordert und konnten daher zu ihrem Bedauern nicht in Tätigkeit treten. Dagegen gingen während der Sommerferien 14 Knaben auf eigene Hand aufs Land und sind dort beim Einbringen der Ernte behilflich gewesen. Von den ca. 150 Schülern, welche während des Sommers in Landpflege gegeben wurden, stellten sich die größeren durchgehends gerne in den Dienst an ihrer Pflegestelle, und eine größere Anzahl kehrte daher erst am Schluß der Erntezeit zurück. 2. Sammlungen: Die Schüler sammelten 47 kg Metall, 37 " Blechdosen, 8 " Gummi, 21 " Kerne einschl. 8 kg Kastanien, 5 " Blätter für Medizin uff. (trocken gewo= gen), 24 " Weißdornfrüchte. 3. Kriegsanleihen u. a. Auf die 6. und 7. Kriegsanleihe wurden zus. 655 M gezeichnet und für die Hindenburgspende 59 M gesammelt. Außerdem wurden an die "Jugendspende für Kriegswaisen e.V. Essen" seit Novr. v. J. nach und nach 138,15 M für Nagelung eines Schildes eingesandt. Petersen, Rektor. An die Städtische Schuldeputation hier.
Kiel Schulamt | Beteiligung der Schuljugend an kriegswirtschaftlichen Arbeiten (Landwirtschaft | Sammlungen | Werben für die Kriegsanleihen) | 1917-1919
Item 27
Transcription: item 27 M i t t e i l u n g von der II. Mdch. Mittel=Schule Kiel, den 3. Nov- 1917 z. Z. Gartenstraße An die Schulverwaltung hier Stempel Schulverwaltung DER STADT KIEL Eing 6-NOV.1917 Tgb. Nr. Kriegswirtschaftliche Arbeiten u. Sammlungen : 6. Kriegsanleihe: 3510 M. 7. Kriegsanleihe: 2235 M. Hindenburgspende: 134 M. - ÷ Altmaterial: 60 kg . Gummi 6 kg. Obstkerne: 75 " Kürbiskerne: 1 kg. Kastanien: 40 " Eicheln: 10 kg. Weißdornfrüchte: 5 " Brennesseln: 20 kg. Frauenhaar: 1¼ kg (mit Verpackung). Etwa 150 Kinder sind zur Erholung eine längere Zeit auf dem Lande gewesen. Von diesen ist ein goßer Teil im landwirtsch. Haushalt und in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben mit tätig gewesen. J. Hansen, Rektor Form. S.-V. II. Nr. 43 Geschäftliche Mitteilung.
Story Metadata (32,139 Stories)
 210 ITEMS
 7% EDIT
Kiel Schulamt | Beteiligung der Schuljugend an kriegswirtschaftlichen Arbeiten (Landwirtschaft | Sammlungen | Werben für die Kriegsanleihen) | 1917-1919
210 Items
Description: Akte des Kieler Schulamtes mit Meldungen der Schulen in Kiel über die Beteiligung der Schuljugend an kriegswirtschaftlichen Arbeiten (Landwirtschaft, Sammlungen, Werben für die Kriegsanleihen), 1917-1919. || Stadtarchiv Kiel, Schulamt, Signatur 25959, Beteiligung der Schuljugend an kriegswirtschaftlichen Arbeiten (Landwirtschaft, Sammlungen, Werben für die Kriegsanleihen), 1917-1919, 210 Blatt.
 704 ITEMS
 1% EDIT
Kräuterbuch und Rezeptsammlung
704 Items
Description: Shelfmark: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg | Cod. Pal. germ. 231
 703 ITEMS
 13% EDIT
Papiers d'Abbadie. Correspondances et documents sur la famille d'Abbadie et sur l'Éthiopie (XVIe-XIXe siècle). VI Correspondance d'Antoine et d'Arnauld d'Abbadie sur leurs voyages en Abyssinie (1839-1849).
703 Items
Description: Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution : R 25528.
 27% EDIT
Diary of Paul Charles Mansfield
45 Items
Description: Diary of PAUL CHARLES MANSFIELD In Camp at Niantic, CT Tues Oct.9,1917 We got up at 5:15 this morning ,emptied bed sacks and rolled • rolls. It is a cold rainy day. Left camp at 10 after eleven, boarded train, travelled via Saybrook Jct. Ea. Hartford & Springfield. Crossed the U.S. border about midnight. Slept 3 men in two seats. I unscrewed the back of a seat and we slept on that. Wed. Oct. 10, 1917 Arrived at Montreal at 6:30 this morning, got off at the dock, went aboard the SS Megentic being given our tickets as we stepped aboard at 7:30 am. Have a fine statesroom #168. Li- bunks have McFarlane, Magrand and McManners in with me. Sailed down St.Lawrence river to Quebec. Arrived at 8:00. Got a lot of (Servian) (reservists) aboard there. Thursday Oct. 11, 1917 Up at 6:00 this morning. Dropped our pilots at 10. Are on our way to Halifax. It is getting rough. Am going to bed. Friday Oct. 12,1917 6:00 o'clock rough but listed on the log as only moderate seas. I wonder what they call bad. Everybody sick. I threw up 3 times. Terra firma is the best place to put ones feet. Saturday 10-13-1917 Arose at 6:00. Sun is shining, the sea has gone down and I feel pretty good. We arrived at Halifax 10 this morning. Passed through two submarine (slits) and alot of (mines). We passed the SS Baltic with the Branford and Stamford batteries on it. There are also several other transports loaded with troops along side of us. There are about six or eight ships here. Dutch and Norwegian that can't get cargoes. Don't blame the author ( ) it would go to - 2- the Boc hes . Sunday 10-14-1917 We stand here over night. Have coaled ships and are getting on a supply of fresh water. A bunch of canadians came on the ship today, belong to artillery. We have life boat drill every day, simply go out and stand by our boat for a while with life preservers on. 4 of B troops fellows and 3 of us had their pistols stolen on them. Seagulls flock around the boat by the hundreds. I have got to get a hair cut and shave so I will start now. Chicken dinner today. Got the shave anyway. We left Halifax for Europe at 3:00 this afternoon. Passed one ship with the american flag on it. There are 8 other ships in our convoy. Monday Oct. 15, 1917 6:00. Got up,had breakfast. Bob Lynn is sea-sick so I took his place as dining room orderly. 1.50 a day till we reach England. Busted my stick swagger tonight fooling with g.m. Kea. We are 30 hours out from Halifax. The sea is smooth. Are in company with 8 other vessels. Tuesday Oct. 16, 1917 6:00. A dark foggy day. Unable to see any other boats but hear their whistles. It is hotter than hell down in the dining room. Saw a buoy trailing behind the 3 stack ships ahead of us and thought it was a submarine. Am in bed now. It is still a bad day. Sleep very good these nights. Wednesday Oct. 17, 1_917 Two of the ships were all we could see this morning but the fog is lifting and this afternoon it cleared off. All the ships are together. Beer was served on the ship last night. By tomorrow we will be over half way across. Am growing a mustache but don't Thursday 10-18-1917 6:00. Weather is cloudy and the water is getting rough. We had some hard hail storms during the day. Big as peas. Friday 10.19.1917 Went to work this morning and got seasick right away. This noon the same way but am alright tonight. The waves are following the ships. Saw alot of porpoises and dolphins alongside the ship. We get sandwiches from the steward every night about 8 o'clock. Had a bath on board ship. First one since leaving Niantic. Saturday 10.20.1917 Did not get up until 7 o'clockdecount nobody waking us. It seems as if we had been away from home a year instead of a few days. We expect to pick up our convoy of destroyers. Some of them are Yankees to. I wonder how my little dog is now. He and I will never go out hunting this fall, that is sure. Maybe next one either. The sea was rough today but I was not seasick. I will be glad when we land. We expect to get 5 days leave in Liverpool or london and a couple days pay. I hope mother has got her share of my money thru the gov't by now. Sunday Oct. 21,1917 Got up today. The seas are very rough. The waves are breaking over the bows. Had a chicken for dinner. It don't seem like Sunday today. We met the destroyers this afternoon. The seas were so rough it looked like they would be swamped. All you could see tonight was a circle of lights, one on each ship. Monday 10/22/1217 Nothing. Tuesday Oct. 23,1917 Landed in Liverpool at 6:30. Took train from dock to Bordon. (Oxany) camp. Mud to cover shoes in street. Staid there over -4- night. Saw hundreds of crows, magpies and rabbits around camp. We got coffee and sandwiches in Birminghan. On the way stopped at (Geive) and several other stations. 4o'clo6k reached Bordon. American YMCA. The English don't seem to think much of us, that is the soldiers don't. But if we were as slow as they are we would not be here yet. Wednesday Oct. 24,1917 Left Bordon at 7o'clock. Took train as far down as Bently Jct. From there to Southhampton. Reached there 10:30. Marched thru the city to the camp. Batteries E & (L) of Stamford and Branford are here with us, also a Marine regiment. Saw two aeroplanes this morning. Got chestnuts as big as Italian ones. Thursday 10-25-1917 Nothing much to put down, just hung around the camp. Friday 10-26-1917 Saw aeroplanes yesterday and today. Several times heard noise of.guns on boats in harbor practicing. Went downtown at night. The girls can go right into a bar in this country. Also soldiers. Saturday 10-27-1217 Overslept this morning. Missed reveille . Went walking thru town of Rownhams towards Romsey. Stopped in tavern called the horns where the furniture is over 100 years old. We had a drink and sat by the fireplace nice and warm. The bar lady said there were 4 (or so) american troops in a town called Woodleigh. We ate in the salvation army YMCA last night and in Rownhams had cocoa and cakes; also bought some preserved (Damson) plum jam. Sunday 10-18-1917 Got up and went for an hours hike. There was the heaviest frost on the ground I ever saw, like snow. I carry my little pistol with me wherever I go. Maybe it will come in handy sometime. Had tea in Shirley today. Monday 10-29-1917 Got up. Had bacon and bread for breakfast. Walked around and at 3o'clock took up our packs and beat it for the docks. Got off on an American cattleboat. Had to sleep on the floor in the stalls. No straw or hay. When we reached our point of departure and dropped our pilot saw a captive balloon and 2 destroyers. Also a four stack cruiser. It grew cold right away and the roughest sea came up that rhave ever seen. Waves broke right over the bows, yet I was not sick. Slept from midnight until 5 o'clock. Tuesday 1G-30-1917 Arrived in Havre, France at o'clock. Waited in the rain for half an hour then parched 4 miles to the top of a hill surrounding the harbor where there is a german prison camp. It is all enclosed in a 9 ft fence with 4 or 5 feet of barb wire on top. We have seen several batches of prisoners at work in the city. Just heard that the americans had attacked the lines and captured 8000 men and 50 guns but am unable to verify yet. Wednesday 107_31-1917 First call 6:30 this morning. Got up, rolled packs, had breakfast then shaved and washed. Cleaned up tents and received instructions in regards to writing letters. We are going to start from here about 2 o'clock this afternoon . Our top says we will make two stops a day for eats and refreshments so I guess we are due for a long journey across France. I hope we go to the south where it is warm. Dinner call in just blowing, expect we will receive travelling rations pretty quick. Had supper and - 6- went over to the YMCA where they had a band that played all our popular songs and marches. Went to bed and unrolled my roll. Slept on my slicker on the boards with one blanket under me and two blankets and my overcoat over me. Am getting used to sleeping on anything short of nails. Thursday Nov. 1, 1917 Got up and rolled our packs, had breakfast and received orders not to leave camp until noon. Had dinner at 2 o'clock. Best meal in a week. At four took up packs and marched back to the RR on the docks. Waited there on bales of american cotton until midnight then got in cattle cars. 40 men in a small car. We could just about find room to lie down (be) sardines. Friday Nov.2,1917 Rode all day on the train that sometimes went so slow you. 4 could run along side of it. Stopped in one place and the train broke in half and our half started down hill backwards. I and some other fellows jumped off and put on the hand brakes. You see hunters in all the fields along the way after rabbits. One caught a rabbit along side the railroad with a ferret and dog. We have canned cornbeef and hardtack and jam&cheese for traveling rations with two stopg a day for coffee. We stilled in Versailles and a lot of fellows got off. Started up quick and one got left but caught up 50 miles furthur on. Got a pass , a feed and cigarettes from the french soldiers. Pulled into Neuf Chateau at noon and walked 3 miles to a village called Monte Neuf Chateau where our permanent quarters will now be. We only had hardtack and coffee for supper but ( ) to get better tomorrow. Had some french red wine tonight. Alot of the American soldiers are billeted in the houses. Am sleeping in the new infirmary. Have filled up our 7 ticks with straw. Saturday Nov. 3, 1917 Had hardtack and coffee this morning then'had to go on a wood hunting detail. Walked about 3 miles into a forest and brought back two logs of wood. Have just got back and now find my name on the guard list for tonight and tomorrow. You can hear the guns at (Verdurt) which is only 45 miles from here. There are french soldiers every where you look. I have learned a few words. The roads are good but it is raining most every day and the day is sticky. Am going to have dinner at 1 o'clock. See aeroplanes very often each day. The 102 regiment from New Haven is about 4 miles from us in another village. Apples here cost 1 cent for two. Hope to get paid sometime this coming week. Sunday Nov.4,1917 We were called to a meeting this morning and cautioned about veneral disease. All the fellows are in good health except for a bold. Have a beat along a small lane through a apple orchard around a church. I got some mistletoe today. It grows on alot of the trees. We have a canteen where we can get tobacco and cigarettes once a week. 4 packages of cigarettes or tobacco, also chewing tob. Bought some apples today. Ten cents or fifty centimes for about a dozen big ones. There was an aeroplane flew over today. Signed the payroll here today. Will get paid in francs, french money. 80 or more. Got our barrack bags today. It was like opening a christmas present to open them after so long an absence. Our squad bags have not shown up and we have heard that they were sunk together with G.M. Sergeant Leirman and Leuit. Wakefield. We are going to get our mules issued this week and our mach. guns are also here. Saw several men going hunting -8- today. These villages we are occupying were deserted by the people and they are now beginning to come back. Our officers are going to the trenches 3rd line to train this week (' ) and 1st class privates are going later. Had a great feed tonight. Was absolutely full up. Monday.Nov.5 1917 Had muster this morning by the major. Expect to get paid today or tomorrow as we signed the roll yesterday. We had a good breakfast this morning and then the whole company marched into the forest and carried back wood for our kitchen. Are going to drill this afternoon, I hear. There are some practice trenches near here where you can see the boys training with bombs, rifles and machine guns. We will get that stuff pretty quick I guess. Wrote ' six letters home today. Tuesday Nov.6 1917 Got up today and most of the company marched down to the Npuf Chateau and dragged back our mach. guns. Have just finished eating dinner and are getting straw mattresses. Will have bunks one above the other. Also received steel (fin) helmets. Went to bed about half past seven. Wed. Nov.7 1917 Had Breakfast and went up on the mount again and brought down wood. Bought some pears and apples from a nice old french lady. ( ) beef stew, bread & jam and coffee for dinner. Are building bunks today and putting in stoves. Fixed up my bunk pretty good. Thursday, Nov.8,1917 Had rice hash, bread and butter and coffee for breakfast and then was sent after wood again. Before long I ought to be able to carry a ton. -9- Friday Nov.9 1217 Nothing much that I remember. SALTIINIHaY212)1212 Went after wood this morning and twice in the afternoon. We have a YMCA where we can buy different things to eat and Sat. Eve. Posts and Cosmopolitans to read. Have yet to hear from,home. Concensus of opinions is that we will see the trenches by Feb. Some of the boys have had parcels from home. Expect Gen. Pershing to inspect us this afternoon. Had a physical inspection this morning. Everything OK. Same kind of punk weather. Sunday Nov. 11)1917 Nothing new. Monday Nov. 12,1917 Went after wood this morning then came back to barracks, set up and took down the guns today. Find that it is very easy to do. have a hard cold, hope it gets better by morning or I will answer sick call. Have not yet heard from home. Had to get up in the night to use latrine. Tuesday Nov. 13, 1917 Spent a bum day but don't ache so much. Throat is very sore, am treating it with a gargol. Wed. Nov. 14,1917 Did not go out today except to answer sick call and to get two meals. Am reading old papers today. Will be glad when I get some from home. Guess I must have started something as I have just received two boxes from home, one from Ethel, one from Ray. Am going to write home tonight. Thursday, Nov, 15,1917 Went out to drill today and have dug into those boxes. In great shape -10- Friday Nov. 16,1917 Spent all day drilling on machine guns. Everybody seems to take an interest in them and expect we will be proficient very shortly. Am having a great time reading those magazines. Hope I get more before long. Saturday Nov. 17,1917 Am feeling better today. Throat is not so sore but still have a little cough which hurts it, but not frequently. Ate the dates today and they tasted fine. We had to go after wood twice this morning and had an inspection of clothing and equipment this afternoon. A bunch of french infantry, about 1000 strong went through here tonight and we gave them a cheer. They were all smiles. Alot of mail has just come in. Hope I get some of it as I have not yet got any letters. I got one letter from Ethel, hope I get more quickly. Sunday Nov. 181917 Went to Neuf Chateau this afternoon and saw a live pickerel about 2 lbs. Then took train and went to Landaville where the 102 reg. is. Had a good supper and saw many ( ) at night and bought some raisins which were very good. Monday Nov. 19,1917 Drilled on guns this morning then went after wood twice. Am writing 2 letters tonight. No mail today. Wrote only one to mother, will have to write two tomorrow. Had a can of California pears. YMCA is sold out so can not buy any more. Have only about 6 dollars left. Tuesday Nov. 20, 1917 Got up and made fire this morning. Meals are getting monotonous-same thing every day. Went down to Neuf Chateau. Brought back some gun caissons . Am back on signal,ing again this afternoon. First time since we left the armory. Can take down and put mach gun together. Naming parts very good now. Have been in service nearly seven months. One week more will make 7. Wed. Nov 21,1917 Rained hard all night and is continuing this morning. We got our mules this night. 25 of them. Thursday Nov. 22!1917 Brought down the mules today and non corns started breaking them to wagons as good as in a circus. Friday Nov. 23,1917 Am still on signal duty. Mules are raising the devil with the ( ). One threw Geary and stepped on him. I chased him across lots. Finally ran into a barb wire and stopped. Saturday Nov. 24,1917 Had a short written test on morse code. Don't know yet how I' made out. The Lt. first sgt. has gone away to school. Officers go next. Ice cream was for sale at the east cafe last night. Brown sugar and milk was what it was made of. The engineers got paid yesterday and they are sure having some time with the champagne. Sunday Nov. 25, 1917 Raining with a stiff wind driving it right into your face. My hat blew into the soft mud coming from the mess hall. We now have coal for our stoves but ours is broken this morning. Have not written for 3 days so am writing alot. Monday Nov. 26,1917 Some guys cut up my hair so I had it clipped off tight. About half of the co. is bald. Some of our non-coms have gone away to scho(0. -12- Tues. Nov. 27,1217 Our squad bags came today and I now have a change of clothing. Went on guard for the second time in Europe. Funds are getting down to about $1.50. Wed. Nov.28,1912 Am through with my trick, am waiting for new guard to come on. Sgt. Turnan showed up yesterday- everyone was glad to see him. Thursday Nov. 29,1917 Had a great dinner. It tasted almost as good as home made. Had several boxing bouts and singing. Friday Nov. 30,1917 Got up and ate then started marching with our guns and mules. Arrived at the range at 10:45. B. co. shot in the morning and we in the afternoon. The rolling kitchens were tried out this morning and proved ok. Saturday Dec.1,1917 Signed another payroll last night. Are in hopes of getting paid Monday. Must write tonight. Sunday Dec.2,1917 Had an inspection of quarters this morning and this noon. Pat Hurlbut and Harry Cougan came over today and invited me to see Epinal, a town bigger than New Haven. Monday Dec.j,1917 Went after wood in the morning and took guard at noon. Tuesday Dec.4,1917 Came off guard at noon and went right in quarintine on account of measles. Am in with the same bunch in a billet. Maybe for 14 days. Wed. Dec.5,1917 Nothing much to do except go after wood twice a day and stay -13- in the billet. Thurs. Dec.6,1917 Got 3 letters last night and two post cards tonight. Doolan got 2 boxes tonight and several others got small packages. Friday Dec.701917 Nobody developed measles yet, but arguments take up most of the time. Hope we get paid soon. Saturday Dec.8,1917 The wood has all been carried down, last load today. Got English gas masks this afternoon. Will get more equipment later. Mail only gets here about every 8 of ten days now. Gray got a cablegram from home. Sunday Dec.2,1917 Oatmeal for breakfast and no pay yet. Am going to keep track of all letters I write from now on. Went for a walk this afternoon and found a apiary with 18 hives, 15 being occupied. Brought back ajar full and it last three meals. Am going to try and get a paid full. Monday Dec. 10.1917 We are to be in here until a week from this coming Wednesday. Some of the boys got some boxes tonight. 2 of them in this gang. Had several tid bits last night after supper. Spent a jolly evening. Tues Dec.11,1217 Am orderly in billet today. Will get one months pay at noon. Saw several fresh rabbit skins two days ago. Wed. Dec.12,1917 Got paid yesterday 88 frc. After paying debts will have about 80 rms. Had a good feed tonight. Thurs.Dec 13,1917 Cannot get wood. Went up twice today. Then went in the woods saw a jack and got about 10 lbs honey. Will have to write today and expect mail tonight. EEilaYEgs211±11211 QuarAntine lifted today and we had to go over on the range and practice. No mail today.. Will probably move out Sat. Saturday Dec. 15,1917 Last day in the billet. Went on guard as soon as we moved back into the barracks. Had a good feed on guard. Sunday Dec.16,1915 Came off guard at noon, went after honey with McManus. Got 10 lbs or so. Found a dead fox and cut his tail off. Am going to skin it and send it home. The tail I mean. Monday Dec.17,1917 4 Had our gas masks fitted this morning and tried them out in a half our walk. War is surely hell. Tuesday Dec. 18,1917 1 inch of snow this morning and a gale of wind bitter cold and we dragged our feet up and down hills doing mach gun practice. Saw fur rabbits, deer tracks and 8 quail. Wed. Dec. 19,1917 Nothing of note today. Thurs. Dec. 20,1917 Mach. gun drill in morning. Pistol cleaning and practice in the afternoon. LtillYPtgt1111212 Was on kitchen police this morning with McManus. Saturday Dec.22,1917 -15- in the woods by a little fire. Sunday Dec. 23,1917 I got a small wooden box last Might and Mc Manus got a large box with 65 packs of lucky strike cigarettes. Got a package from Bill Beswick. Last night peanut and plum pudding. Am going to write today as I have not done so in over a week. 11913A-MD2.2LIa1212 Drilled in the morning and had afternoon off. Got a box from Ethel yesterday. Small wdn one. Last night got one from the office. Am starting to write a half dozen letters. Tuesday Christmas 25,1917 Nearly everybody has had a box come and are happy. I have had one from Ethel, one from the office and one from Bill and a month and a half ago two from the family. Got a letter from Joe Brough and Burt Clarkson. One from Magie Beach and two from Ethel. Wed. Dec.26,1917 ' Got another letter from Magie dated Dec.4,1917. Saw five jack rabbits today. Two inches of snow last night. Got Aunt (Mae's) box last night. Now have received 5 boxes, two from home and three from others. Don't know if I will get any more but am sure pretty lucky so far. Alot of mail has just come in and I heard my name at least once. I just counted up and I have eight letters today so will go to bed after reading them. Thurs. Dec.27,1217 Air raid last night. Had to put lights out 20 min. to nine. Am to go on guard this noon. Went on got no. 7 post on B's kitchen. Had plenty to eat. Somebody took pistol ammunition and we had to stay there until it was all brought back and when it was counted up. They had more than when they started. -16- Friday Dec .28,1917 Came off guard and went walking in woods. Saw 2 rabbits and 12 partridge. Am going hunting with Geary in the morning. Sat. Dec.2911917 Geary did not show up. Staid in barracks. Got paid today. Sunday Dec.30,1917 Went hunting with Smith,Depoit and Watkins today. Saw 12 deer and 1 rabbit. Had a dandy shot but gun would not go off. Had dinner around a fire in the woods. Monday Dec.31,1917 Pistol practice on the range this morning. Hit every time. Palmer's funeral took place today. It was a sad happening and is the and death in the battalion. Tuesday Jan.1 1918 New Year's Went out hunting in the afternoon. Got ( ) 2 deer but missed. Saw 1 partridge and 1 rabbit. Followed the deer until too dark to see. Came home soaked with sweat. Wed. Jan.2,1918 Mach gun practice maneuvers on the hill this morning. Saw 4 partridges. Am going to try a shot tomorrow if I can _get a gun. Went on guard this noon. Got number 7 post. Will be off soon and will go hunting then for partridge. Thursday Jan3,1918 Did not got but went after some railroad ties instead. Watkins got a deer today and Smith saw three wild boars. Said he hit one. Saw several partridge and 2 rabbits. Friday Jan. 4,1918 Went to the range today. 3 of us dropped out and started to go hunting. Saw boar tracks and it was too cold so went down to the -17- village and had a drink then went over and shot the guns. Came back at noon. Wrote a letter to Ethel. Only one a day allowed now. Saturday Jan.5,1918 Had a general inspection. Took out everything in the barracks and swept and aired it out. Some of the boys had cooties but have got rid of them now. Went down town 'last night, got a sovenir Joan of Arc tablet. Also had a feed. Pork chops and french fried potatoes. Saw some of the troop a boys. Sunday Jan. 6,1918 Staid around camp today. Wrote 1 letter and chopped wood. It was as warm as toast here all night. Monday Jan.7,1918 Had practice of nomanclature of M. gun this morning and little this afternoon. Tuesday Jan.8 ,1918 General instructions on parts of guns and aiming.On guard in afternoon. Post 5 in the mule barn. Wed. Jan.9,1918 Came off at noon. Staid around the barracks. Thursday Jan.10,1918 Drill on functioning of gun and in the field in the afternoon. Saw about 30 partridge. Friday Jan. 11,1918 Shot at a stationary boar this morning at short range,5 shots. Examination in the afternoon. I guess we got by the examination alright as he said it was satisfactory. St. (Chiney) commended us for our proficiency. Sat. Jan .12$1218 Mach. gun drill in morning. Practice on short range in -18- afternoon. Said I was very good. Inspection on Sunday. Now drill 6 days a week. Sun. Jan.13,1918 Went after wood in morning. Nothing in afternoon. Mon. Jan.14,1918 Drill all morning. Gas mask drill afternoon. Got two boxes from mother Sunday night. Tuesday Jan. 15,1,18 On kitchen police today until 1 o'clock then was relieved and took down bunks and moved into the wood choppers barracks. Expect to go to Nancy before long. Will move somewhere Thursday morning. Wed. Jan.16t1918 Were supposed to go to practice trenches but it rained and blew a hurricane so we had a holiday. No calls all day. Will roll packs tonight or tomorrow morning. Broke a piece off one of my teeth that was filled by chewing xmas candy. Thursday Jan. 17,1918 Got up and rolled packs this morning, loaded on stiff and moved out about ten. Arrived in Liffol LeGrand at 1 o'clock, a distance of 10 kilometers. Settled in our billet in an old barn across from brigade headquarters. Friday Jan.18t1918 Spent the day settling down and cleaning up. Am writing home. Sat. Jan.191918 Nothing doing. Sun. Jan 20,1918 Hung around all day. Mon. Jan.21,1918 Drilled all day then went 20 miles to practice trenches. Got -19- back 6 o'clock in morning. Tues. Jan.22,1918 Slept til noon then drilled till 6. 1112111pariLDLI212_, Went to range and drilled in morning. Shot pistol in afternoon. Got 94 out of 150. Thurs.Jan.24,1918 Drilled in morning then went out and started drilling in afternoon but was called back and paid off then went back for a short while and ran all ( ) the lot. No mail tonight. Friday Jan.25,1918 Don't get much time to do anything but drill all day. Sat. 1126/18 Inspection and gas drill. Hung around field in afternoon. Sun. Jan.27,1918 Went over to a new range today on auto truck. 168 mach. guns firing at once. Our company did the best. Mon. Jan.28,1918 Walked over today and shot at 1000 yds then walked part way back. Was picked up by 6 trucks. Have just heard we are having assembly at 7 o'clock. Tuesday, Jan.29,1918 Arose at 5:30, went to the range, spent the day. Returned very tired. Wed. Jan. 30,1918 Rose at 6:15. Had a soft day. Did little work and Mc Manus got socked with a stick of wood chopping for a fire. Thurs. Jan.31,1918 6:15. Drilled all day in lots. Pretty tired. -20- Friday, Feb.11918 Up at 6:15. The hoar frost is about an inch thick in the trees and the sun does not melt it. Sat. Feb.2,1918 6:00, at the range and tried out barrage fire with Col. Parker walking under it. Sneaked over to the kitchen and got our dinner, Flynn and myself, and then got halfway back when the fire started. We had to beat it back and go round, but the rest did not get theirs until 4:00. Sun.Feb.3,1918 6:45. Had a gas try out this morning in a room then threw ten bombs in the afternoon. Mon. Feb.4,1918 6:15.Got ready to move today and stood inspection this afternoon. Tues. Feb.5,1918 6:15.Pack inspection this morning at 10:00. Gas drill in afternoon. Everybody OK. Wed. Feb.6,1918 6:15. Packed barracks bags. Shoved my pillow and extra clothes in another bag so now I have two. Pistol inspection in the afternoon. Thurs. Feb. 7,1918 Got up 8:00. Rolled our rolls, loaded cars and cleaned up billets then went next door and slept in the hay mow until 11:30 then got up and got ready to board train. Frid. Feb.8,1918 Got aboard at 5:30 and left Liffol Le Grand at 6:00. 67 men in our car and during stops along the line managed to swipe enough straw for Macs and my bed. Had a fire in car on a piece of concrete so it was canfortable. Travelled all day and most of the night. -21- Sat. Feb.9,1918 Arrived at Soissons at 4 am and unloaded before daylight. Believe me, this city is almost a ruin. Marched up 4 miles to a rest camp. Camp in in a ruined village near a chateau which is much battered. Can see (stills stricking) in a small village a short distance from ours. Very tired and dirty so went down to a brook and washed feet and then made bed. Sun.Feb.10,1918 7:30. Walked thru the ruins and caves. Gas drill at 11:30. Pistol inspection at 4:00. No stoves here yet. Mon. Feb.11,1918 7:00 Went for a long walk with Collins, Flynn,Mac and got lost. Saw many dugouts and trenches. Carved our name in a huge beach tree which had many German names on it. Ours are highest up. 4 Got back in time for pistol inspection. On guard at 8:00. Tues.Feb.12,1918 ' Finished guard at 4:00. Hung around all day; saw a hun plane bring down a (suasage) but the man in it jumped in his parachute and got down alright. Wed. Feb.1311918 7:00. Gas drill 11:30,pistol at 4:00. All ok. Thurs. Feb.14,1918 7:00. Very cold. Same thing today. Frid.Feb.15,1918 7:00. Nearly froze this day. Same drills. This place is called Laury. (Sat.Feb.16-Feb.27,1918-dates but no entry) Thurs.Feb28,1918 Left Laury 6:30. Got to dump at 9:00. In trenches 9: 30. Went -22- on gun until 12:00. No plays. Everything quiet except mach guns. Fri. Mar1,1918 Got up 4:00 for stand to. 6:30. Breakfast at 8:00. French 75's fire occasional shots. Also star shells. Got three hours sleep in afternoon. Sat. Mar. 2,1918 Quite a heavy artillery duel off to our left early in morning. There is a Hun sniper out in front with mach. gun. Is hard to locate. Dug is dugout for 4 of us. Will finish it tomorrow. Sun. Mar. 3.,1218 Everything quiet except usual sniping and 75's. Have finished dugout except roof. Sleep in it tonight. Feed here is .not very good. Am going on guard at 10:00 til 12:00. Nothing happened. ' Mon. Mar.4,1918 ( ) Got off at 6:30. Had a good breakfast. Back to bed. More snow, bum dinner. Quiet day today. Eats are getting better. On post at 8:00. Must write mother tomorrow. Tues. Mar. 511918 Nothing much happened last night or this morning but we had a few shells over at dinner. ( ) tonight and we might get a banging. Go on at 12:00 midnight. No more shells. Wed. Mar. 6,1918 Went on at daybreak then slept til 10. Was great long sun shining. ( ). Going to write home tonight. Just got dragged out for a artillery barrage which both sides took part in. Nothing much of note so back to bed. Thurs. Mar. 7,191 Today is another good day but foggy and cold in morning. The damn sniper is getting the range too close. Am on 2nd shift tonight. -23- Expected a raid but nothing stirred. Stand to now 4:00 in morning. Friday, Mar.8,1918 Fine day today but quite a few shells are coming over. Some quite near. A hun plane did a tail spin way uphigh and finally got away clean. Got three letters this morning and am writing more. Have received ten packages since coming in Liffol and two here. Last one was numbered #6. Sat. Mar. 9,1918 Cleaned up dugout and read. No mail today. No shells all day, some at night. Two gas alarms but only fakes. Too far away to hurt us. Trombley lost his head and tried to take Mac's gas mask but was alright afterwards. Sun. Mar.10,1918 Not very cold last night but is very foggy and damp mornings with a warm sun during ,the day. Nothing of interest yet today. Big bombardment last night. Monday, Mar.11,1918 Germans did not retaliate yet. Must have got a good drilling. German aeroplanes passed over late last night. Have not had a shell light on our place since we came. Capt. Welch has been promoted to the staff of Gen. Pershing. Had to stand to all night, some misery. Damn Hun threw over alot of gas shells. Kept masks on 2 hours. Tues. Mar.12,1918 Slept all day. Everything quiet. Wed. Mar.13,1918 ). Have been in here 15 days. Rolled packs in afternoon to go out tonight some time. Were relieved at 9:30 by French soldiers. Waited until midnight for our carts._ Arrived in ( ) at about 3 o'clock. Slept until noon. Got some letters and a box from home. Is number 7-1918. Making a total of 19 boxes since I came. Sat. Mar.16,1918 Was on guard last night. Never will catch up on sleep. Got a call and charge entered against me for eating my iron rations while in the trenches. Saw only 4 Germans all the time we were there. Used gleksses to see them. Harry ( ) shot his pistol 2 inches from my leg by accident. Sun. Mar.17,1918 Turned in two blankets in preparation for moving tomorrow. Went to YMCA and heard a good concert. German airplanes bombarded Soissons again last night. Mon. Mar. 18,1918 Cleaned up and loaded carts. Will leave at for entrainment at Soissons then walk for 4 days. Are going to train for 9 weeks more. Are not carrying sacks this time. Staid in a small village over night. Tues. Mar.19,1918 Got up early, went to Soissons. Had dinner then loaded train. Some German shells hit about 2 miles from the dump. Started about 2 o'clock. Travelled all night. Wed. Mar. 20,1918 Travelled until noon to Bar Sur Aube. Got off and walked 6 miles to a little hamlet outside of Bayel. My jaws are sore. Had to get up twice in the night to go to the latrine. Thurs. Mar. 21,1918 Jaws sure swelled up. Went to infirmary in Bayel. Told I had mumps. Have just been brought down to the hospital in Bar Sur Aube. They are all french nurses here. Mar. 22,1918 Nothing to eat here but hot milk. -25- Sat. Mar. 2,1918 Still nothing to eat. Moved out today at 10 oc.'25 miles to base hospital in Chaumont. Sun. Mar. 24,1918 Nothing but American girls as nurses here. Some of them are real pretty. Have heard my company is going to stop for good at (Remecourt). Mon. Mar. 25,1918 There is 18 men in my ward, all of them with the mumps. Some are Southerners, others from the pacific coast. Tues. Mar.26,1918 Am getting feed pretty good here but appetite is not the same as old. Have had pie once. Wed. Mar. 27,1918 The Big German drive is now on but they are losing a great many more men than it is worth. Thurs. Mar.28,1218 Some more 26th div. men came in and told us that is was expected to move back to the trenches. Frid. Mar.29,1918 British have fallen back a ways but are murdering the Huns by the thousands. Sat. Mar. 30,1918 I will have 3 months pay coming, but will be unable to sign March payroll. Sun. Mar.31,1918 Got up today and shaved. 1st time in over a week. I looked like a wild man. -26- Mon. Apr.1,1918 Rain for the past 2 days and cloudy today. The drive ,has been slackened down a lot by now. Have been in hospital 10 days today. Tues. Apr.2,1918 Rain today. 11 days. Wed. Apr.3,1918 Is a fine morning. Thurs. Apr.4,1918 Am feeling OK now. Swelling has gone down. Friday, Apr. 5,1918 Did some fatigue work today. If then count my time in the french hospital I will be out Sunday. Sat. Apr.6,1918 Still bum weather. Sun. Apr.7,1918 Had peach pie for dinner. Mon. Apr.811218 Feel ok except my head which aches. Tues. Apr.9,1918 Still have headache. Go out tomorrow. Wed. Apr.1O,1918 Have had dinner but am still in hospital. May not go until tomorrow. Have headache yet. Thurs. Apr.11,1918 Went out today and am on guard in the nut ward. Now eat in a big mess hall. Can eat all we want. Friday, Apr.12,1918 Off guard at noon. On fatigue in afternoon. Wash officers windows. -27- Sat. Apr.13,1918 Wash floors in morning, on guard again at noon. Did one trick 3:30 to 5:30 then got my pack and was sent out'at 6:25. Took train at 8:00. Rode all night. Sun. Apr.14,1918 Got to the replacement camp at 9:00. I have had all equipment except pack taken away at hospital. Filled up ticks and made bed. Walked over to large town named Bois where there is a large castle. French money is made in this town. 163 inf. is there. Passed thru Bruges on our way here. Mon. Apr.15,1918 Emptied ticks, rolled packs and will draw equipment. Might go out tonight. Met Tony Caruso here today from our company. He had ptomaine poison, is going back tonight. The name of the station St. Aignon- 4 Noyers. Tues. Apr.16,1918 ' Have to draw equipment before I get out of here. Tried to make me take a rifle. Wed. Apr.17,1918 There are four kitchens here. Have eaten in all of them but manage to get into the Hqtrs no.4 most of the time as that is the best and nearest. Thurs.Apr.18,1918 Still doing the same old thing- eating, sleeping and rolling and unrolling pack. Frid.Apr.19,1918 A bunch of 26th div. men are going out tonight. I am not with them. Went down and saw Lt. who said we would go the next morning. -28- Sat. Apr.20L1918 Went out this noon. Drew three days rations. Pulled out this afternoon. Rode all night. Sun. Apr.21,1918 Rode all day and pulled into ( Toul) in the middle of the night. Went from there to Minel La Tour.Stayed there over night. Mon. Apr.22,1918 Slept in a french hay mow and ate with some niggers. Had good eats too. Pulled out at noon and went to Vignot by motor truck. Saw the mule skinners and was &ad to get back. Slept OK. Tues. Apr.23,1918 Hung around all day and rode a mule a little ways. Went up to the lines to a town called St. Agnant. These towns are full of pro-germans and spies are caught frequently. Night was quiet. 4 Wed. April 2411218 I got a easter box when I arrived at night. That makes 20 boxes. Nothing doing today but got four letters tonight. Thurs. Apri125,1918 A few shells but none our way. Went up to the front lines and saw everybody. Shell holes everywhere. Frid. April 26,1918 Our batteries shelled positions quite a good deal today. French captured a prisoner and lost seven men themselves. Prisoner said we were due for a big bombardment of gas and high explosive. Nothing happened tonight. Sat. April 27,1918 We got it alright and four of our best boys are gone to glory along with their guns. Robert Bartlett, Ira Watkins, Yonz Klingabiel -29- and Paul Granfield, Corporal from VT. Lieut Ladd was wounded in 17 places but none serious. I hope we get a chance to kill a million of them to pay for it. Sun. April 28,1918 Another bombardment this morning only this time from our side. Nobody hurt. A box is waiting for me down at Vignot. Makes me 21. We got relieved tonight by the 103rds. own mach gun company and expect to ride down in autotrucks. Mon. April 29,1918 Were relieved at 3 o'clock in the morning and went back to Vignot and was billeted in a barn. Slept until noon and then cleaned our guns. Tues Apri130,1918 Went on guard in the afternoon but slept all night. Wed. May 1,1918 Muster today and I got my Jan. pay. Thurs. May 2,1918 Got a report Duke Rowley and Stewart were killed but it was not true. Frid. May 3,1918 Went on guard at noon. Sat. May 4,1918 Came off guard. Went in swimming. Was too cold for very long swim. Had a bath yesterday. Sun. May 5,1918 The (B f) is flying around that we are going home. Mon. May 691918 Rained. Did not do much. -30- Tues. May 7,1918 Went swimming in morning. Packed up our equipment. Ready to move into trenches. Started out weather clear. Got half way and the first thunder storm of the season overtook us. Got wet up above knees. Fell in shell holes and Lt. Wallace dove into one full of water. Arrived OK. Nothing stirring. Wed. May 8,1918 Hardly a shot fired and none at us. Grub is short. Thurs. May 9,1918 Did no guard last night, slept all the time. An order came today that the 26th div. is going home. That is the 102 reg. has started. Friday, May 1001918 Did some indirect firing. Two thousand three hundred and four. After breakfast went down to P.C. after ammunition. Saturdays May 11,1918 Shot a few this morning, 312, making a grand total 2616. Went of frogs. Were too scary and small. Sunday, May 12,1918 Nothing doing. Have received 23 boxes so far. Hope they are allowed to continue sending them. Monday, May 13,1918 Shaved today and wrote Bill Beswick, also Charlie Way. Are going to get paid tomorrow- two months. Aeroplanes and balloons were very active today for the first time since we came. Tues, May 14,1918 Fine weather continues. Shot some more this morning over one of our infantry patrols that got caught by some Huns. Six were wounded, one seventeen times in leg. -31- Wed. May 15,1918 Still fine. Dutch anti-aircraft guns shoot much sproysnell over sprinkl19the woods but doing no damage to anydne. Thurs. May 16,1918 We have to clean guns and ammunitions and pump out our water hale which keeps the dugout dry. There is a french artillery observation post next door. Two men, Corp. and private. He said we were the cleanest bunch that was in there so far. Friday, May 17,1918 Got a lot of back letters dated Feb. and March 13 all fold. I got some magazines, 4, and they sure did go good. Sat. May 181_1918 Our stream of water dried up but it rained and we now have an abundant supply. We buy eggs, jam and potatoes off the french men and have midnight feeds. Sun. May 191_1918 Saw slot of hun balloons, also some of ours. Read most of the time here. Mon. May 2❑,1918 This trick is a picnic so far only for stand to night and morning we would be OK. Tues, May 21,1918 Hear we will be relieved tomorrow night. My day off today. Went through the woods and looked over the old dugouts and trenches. (Matz) is being bombed pretty often lately. Nights are bright moonlight. Weds. May 22,1918 Cleaned up billets and rolled rolls. Han Torsiund and I made a bunch of our french fried potatoes and had steak mash and stewed onions for supper. Were relieved by french colonial troops. Algerian. -32- Thurs. May 23 1918 Got into Gironville at 12:30 and waited for other section. Left. 1:30, went to Jouy,-from there to Courneville. Got 5 bottles of champagne and got a fine souse then walked over to Raulecourt. Arrived after midnight. Frid. May 24,1918 I've got a swinging bed which is near window in a barn loft. Pretty soft. Bought cigars and alot of stuff at a commisary here. Got 31 francs left. Got pains in my chest and back, don't know what they are. Have had them for over two months. Sat. May 2,1918 On KP today. Don't feel very good. Move tonight at 9:00. Went back to (Girad) Sas, a camp in the next woods. Arrived at 10:45. Sun. May 26,118 Are situated near two lakes full of carp and perch. 23 engineers have 3 foxes, 2 porcupines and an owl for pets. Swimming is good. Mori. May 27,1918 Put up pup tent today with Han Torslund. Had to go to Raulecourt to look over reserve gun. Positions got back at 11:30. Tues. May 28,1918 Nice weather today. Played cards all afternoon. My right lung is sore. I am quitting smoking for at least a month. Band concert here last night. Wed. May 29,1918 Started my moustache again this morning. There are alot of boars around here. Got caught by the Lt. with rifle after them. Thurs. May 20,1918 Everything OK. -33- EXiAlaMaIJIAl21E1 Did nothing all day. Black jack at night. Sat. June 1,1918 Fatigue today. The big tree by our tent was cut down today and landed not far from the tent. Got oranges down at the Engs. YMCA. Sun. June 2,1918 Another fine day. Our bird has 5 eggs in her next. Baseball game this afternoon. Called off. Went swimming today. Was a mistake in payroll. I got 515-50 francs. Will see Lt. tomorrow . Just heard we are going to the (S..) front tomorrow. Went riding on mule to Corneville and Jony. Brought back alot of stuff. Have got to go tomorrow night. Mon. June 3,1918 Have just heard J. co. of 104 lost all but 2 men last night. Just found two big cooties. 'That makes 16. That report was false. Only 5 men were hurt. Started for the front about 9 ❑'clock. Went a long way around as road was being shelled. Went thru Raulecourt, Beauconville and unloaded at Rambecourt. Tues June4,1918 Arrived at our positions after the longest carry we have yet experienced. My shoulder is almost numb from the gun. Have a good concrete dugout for 13 men. We are where the first American soldiers were killed and captured. 16th infantry. Wed. June 5,1918 The country we are in consists mostly of meadows with few rises or hills, the principal one being called Mont Sec. or hill 264. That hill is directly in front of us. The shelled our road. Thurs. June 6,1918 Saw a rabbit in the trench and shot him with pistol but he got -34- away and went thru Lt. & Sgt. Harkins legs. There are also a bunch of owls around here. We only have our guns up at night hero. Friday June 7,1918 Have been feeling punk for a month or more. They threw over 80 shells on us last night, most of them gas. Had our masks on for 45 minutes. Saw a hung partridge just outside the door yesterday morning. Sat. June 8,1918 Feel better today but it hurts to cough yet. Order has been issued that no shooting be indulged in. Major Roberts was for having Sgt. Carroll broke and made to go out with an infantry patrol 3 nights in succession, but our Coma off. said he would punish him. That means OK. Sun. June 9,1918 4 We are going to have more M. guns up with us which will make this line a regular beehive. We have had a lot of sixth regulars here and I guess they are going to relieve us sometime. I only eat about one meal now days and am not very well. Rain tonight, just a sprinkle. Big fire in back of us. mon.J1-141!lA2i918 Wonder what mother is doing just now. We might get relieved by this Wednesday. We got a lot of gas tonight. Tues June 11,1918 All kinds of alarms. But no Germans. Weds. June 12,1918 No signs of a relief and we may be here as long as A company. Thurs. June 13,1918 This place is a regular incubator for cooties. I got two so far. Makes total 18. We have some new batteries in back of us. Opened -35- up to the left of Mt. Sec this morning. Friday June 14,1918 Got 3 letters today. One Ethel, one Dick 'Herman and one Alice Kurns. Mother got the $90.00 OK and put it in the bank. Sat. June 15,1918 Everything quiet for quite a while. Am on first shift tonight. Nothing stirred. Sun. June 16,1918 Well, it came at last. I just went out to stand to when hell broke loose in front. Jumped on parapit, fired my automatic, got down, went into sap to gun just as infantryman was shot thru brain. Helped carry him out with his brains falling out. Went back to gun, thru one grenade then took gun from George Locter. Saw bunches of Huns running and yelling, some firing back at us. Machine gun opened on us from road in front and two red flares went up. Officers tried to rally up men but I got two of them and finished the (route). Shot at many different ones after that and got loads of them. Shot one with pistol and one with rifle. Shifted gun to left on parapit and knocked some more off road and in lot. A boche plane came over and I hit him two or three times with rifle. Two prisoners were got in front. One a Lt. We got one private wounded and doctored him up before sending back. Got two machine guns and a watch,automatic, money buttons and etc. Prisoners say 2400 attacked us. Got a small German sarbine and bayonet. Porky Flynn, Lt. Herrick and six others were wounded but nobody killed or captured. A seven hour barrage was thrown over by the dutch. As far back as Boncq. This is the heaviest scrap so far. Tried to sleep today but nothing doing. Went into Kivray to wash and got the worst shelling so far. -36- Mon. June 17,1918 Last night was quiet. Alot of bodies were burned today. Between 2 and 300 Huns are accounted for. We stood to all last night. Several of the boys nerves are gpne. Many German dead are scattered on the field. They brought flame throwers, gas projectors and all manner of bombs with them. We have six or seven machine guns now. Nothing stirring tonight. Tues. June 18,1918 Relief is coming tonight , at 1 o'clock. Went into no mans land today and two Huns tried to crawl up to me to surrender. Went back, got a gun and then went after him. He was brought into town. Was with Mc Carten and Major Ashworth looking for the other. Guess I have got revenge for Jerry Watkins - killed one with his pistol. Relief came OK and we went back to Bernard Sas. Wed. June 19,1918 Got in here about 3:30. Got eats, went to bed. One balloon was shot down here and two men killed by shells. Am shaved for 1st time in 10 days. It is raining intermittently. Thurs. June 201_1918 Cleaned guns. Went to 21st Engs YMCA. Bought cobkies, lemons and canned goods. Wanted to buy my belt buckle but did not sell it. Had one bottle of champagne today and was (broke) up by Maroney who had three more in the middle night. Showers all night long. Rumor is that the 82nd draft division will relieve us. Friday June 21,1918 Rain again this morning. Took a mule, went to Boucq. Had some real beer and egg omelet. Saw a tame boar there. Cherries and strawberries are beginning to ripen, also apricots. Am going over to write mother now. Just saw payrolls and I owe the govt. 60.00 for -37- 3 months. Allotments not taken out. Means no more pay until october. Sat. June 2211918 Cleaned carts in morning. Hear we are going to move out in a couple of days. Cleaned guns and other stuff. Sunday June 23,1918 Fired carbine and it shoots fine. Found strawberries and boar tracks. Saw 6 planes go over today on a bombing expedition. Mon. June 24,1918 Wrote a letter to Bill Beswick. Probably the last one to be written by me for some time, as we will be traveling alot. Tues. June 2,1918 Packed up, started for Boucq at 7:30. Got there about 10:00. Slept on hard boards. This barracks was hit by a shell. Weds. June 26,1918 Started from Boucq about 8:00. Have got to go all the way to Toul. Some hike. Thurs. June 27,1918 Pulled in to Chaudeney this morning after passing thru an air bombardment of Toul. All OK. Frid. June 28,1918 Was on kitchen police all day. Hear we are going to move tomorrow from Toul. Sat. June 29,1918 Got a whole hatful of ox heart cherries, also some strawberries. Have a very good bed here. Sun. June 30,1918 Left Chaudeney at 11:00. Walked to Toul, entrained there. Rode all afternoon and night. Saw some eery pretty french girls here. -38- Mon. July 1,1218 Got last off train at Maison Rouge. Got next troop train to Trilport. Walked to Poncy, there to Lizy. Slept in hay pile. Tues. July 211918 Started from Lizy at 5:30 being woke up by a french soldier. Walked to (Marie). Met a frenchman fr8m Minone who could speak english. Got a ride with a ( ) officer to Trilport. Went to Meaus by truck. Walked back to Trilport. Got truck almost to St. Lyr, walked to Croins. Got back to the co. at 2 o'clock. Nobody expected me back so soon. Went down to St. Lyr tonight and had, a few drinks. Also some jam and cheese. Weds. July 30_918 We are in the little farming town of Gains. Mc Manus and I were in several other small towns here. Left St. Lyr at 8:00 in auto for a new sector. Was still going at midnight. Thurs. July 4,1918 Arrived at our destination about 3:30. Bunked out in the woods with just our blanket rolls. This country is full of towns. Got stopped by MPs for not having our blouses on us. Frid. July 5,1918 Laid around all day. Are going in at the left of the Chateau Thiery sector to relieve marines. This will be our first chance at open warfare. Started for trenches about 9:30. Arrived at 2 o'clock. Sat. July 6,1918 Took our positions in edge of woods. Torn up alot by shells. Occasional whiz-bangs thruout the day. Sunday JulyZ,1918 Nothing doing today. -39- Monday July 8,1918 Went after water last night at a spring. Waited in line until 12:30. Moved at 12:00 down to our PC. Tues July 21918 Were here all day. Took up new positions along a wood road last night, but will not use them - only in case of swis alert. Weds. July 1011918 Slept in pup tent last night, was cold in morning. Got some wheat straw and now have a good bed. Saw Lt. Wallace today who is transferred to C. company. Rain last night and tonight. Thurs. July 11,1918 Got a marine blanket and found a hat and an automatic pistol in path of woods. Saw a jack rabbit. Shot 3 times but missed. Friday July 12,1918 4 Nothing much doing. Long range shelling by the Germans tonight. Killed one or two infantry men. Sat. July 13,1918 Rain every night now, just a little. A bunch of big shells fell tonight. Pieces dropped all around us. Killed and wounded 40 men from other outfits. We are OK. Sun. July 14,1918 Boys got 1 months pay. I now have 340 fr. to last me until Nov. 1st with what money is sent me. Have just rolled rolls to move back a little tonight. Went after water. Our platoon got lost in the woods and got to positions about 1:00. Mon. July 15 1918 Slept til noon. Nothing doing. Tues. July 16,1918 Played black jack all day. Everything OK. Weds. July 17,1918 Warm. Just heard we are going over the top in the morning to capture a town. Hope we have good luck. G.B.K. (God bless mother) Thurs. July 18,1918 Rained last night. Had to stay under shelter. Half in rain all night. Had trouble getting ammunition. Did not go over until 8 o'clock then had to go thru barrage which wounded several men. Got to our objective OK. Town by name of Torcy. Were heavily shelled on reaching there and had two men killed. Lt. Johnson and Gus Mann. Also several wounded. Pete Turny was hit in leg and finger. Friday July 19,1918 Found some dugouts under some buildings and are them safe from shells. The french are advancing on left, 104 on right. Have not seen any live Germans so far. Saturday July 200.918 YMCA man is wounded and has sent up his entire stock to us. We 'threw a barrage on machine gun next today and they belted us with eight inch shells, wounding one man. Started out to advance but were held behind a stone wall by Hun machine guns that wounded several infantry men. Sunday July 210.918 All the machine guns were cleaned out last night and we are now going after them. Had to come back as Boche are retreating too fast to catch on foot with guns. Stopped in town of Belleau and put american flag on city hall. Went back across fields and had dinner by road side near about a dozen dead austrians killed by marines. Went to Bouresches and from there to in front of Epieds with our mule carts. Slept there on edge of woods, very little shelling going on by Huns. Monday July 22,1918 We found a kid Hun walking in woods and sent him back as prisoner. Only 18 years old. 11 more were sent back by us during the day. The railroad station near here is a store house for German grenades. Found a nice sweater and razor, also several handkerchiefs that our men dropped while fighting. (July 23 - Sept. 7; dated but no entry) Sept. 8,1918 They are building a narrow gauge and are putting in ten inch guns right in our midst. One battery won the Croix de Guerre at Belguim in 1914. Sent home some pictures of myself and pals. Sept. 9,1918 Am sleeping under only one shelter half and nearly got drowned out. Have a mattress however and that helps alot. We are not getting very much mail from home lately. Cannot write ourselves. Sept: 100_918 Harry Griffith is going home and is taking my gun to mother. Rains here almost every day. Am reading some magazines that came from home. Also got those cigarettes. Bill sent them. Sept. 11,1918 Hung around in morning then went up and saw Stanley in the 101st batt. He's ok and a Corporal. Went back and got orders to move. Reached trenches and barrage had started. Sept. 12,1918 Started over the top and met no resistance except a few shells. Went over four hills stopping at the fourth where we caught up with the infantry. Saw many cement dugouts and prisoners. Set up our guns in trench and slept. -42- Sept. 13,1918 Left the trench and started up road, halting at some Boche head-quarters where we found drinks and jam and bread. Went thru woods to town of St. Maurice. People were crazy to see us. Sept. 14.1918 Pulled out of St. Maurice this morning and went over hills to Dommartin where we will stay for the present. Got all kind of Boche drinks and eats. Sept. 15,1918 Wandered around and saw the different trenches and dugouts, some of them fifty feet underground. Sleep here tonight. Weather clear. Sept. 16.1918 Are here in woods above the town of Dommartin. Saw, several pieces of Hun artillery. We pulled out of here at night and went over to the left in a hillsidegin the woods. Were here all night. There is a tunnel here that runs through all these hills with a narrow gauge railroad in it, (Boucons) ammunition too. Tues.Sept. 17,1918 Pulled out of woods today and went down to trenches along a rail¬road in front of a big hill. No sleep of shelter here. Rain all night. A few shells. The infantry are 4 or 5 kilos in front of us. Wed. Sept. 18,1918 Pulled up into a trench on side of hill and had breakfast. Only two meals a day while we are here. Have explored trenches and dugouts. Am going to try and get some blankets and sleep a while. Rained all night. Barrage on left early p.m. Thurs. Sept. 19,1918 Went after rations in morning. Built fire in stone block home and dryed myself off. Not much sleep. No signs of a relief yet. Moved over to hill in bark of 1,r, Enrp-Pq. H2VP Frond dugoutq. -43- Friday, Sept. 20,1918 Walked over hill. Picked a bunch of blackberries. Nothing much to do here but sleep which we need badly. 1 hour and a half. Sat. Sept. 2111918 Only two meals a day now. No casualties this trip so far. Picked two cups of berries today. Huns captured a whole french m. gun company in village in front of us the other day. One of their patrols got busted up by our boys. Sunday Sept. 22,1918 Saw a beautiful sunrise this morning. Nothing doing all day. Monday Sept. 23,1918 Nothing out of the ordinary. Tues. Sept. 24,1918 Same. Weds. Sept. 25,1918 Ditto. Thurs. Sept. 26,1918 One Boche plane down today by anti-aircraft guns. Over the top on the right and left at 5:00 tomorrow morning. Barrage started at 11:30. Friday, Sept. 27,1918 Foggy and smoky this morning. No news as yet from the front lines. Sat. Sept. 28,1918 ( ) was only a feint. Nothing much doing. Sun. Sept. 29,1918 Went out to Frisnes today in front of front lines on outpost. Mon. Sept. 30,1918 Nothing to eat all day. One meal at night. Tues. Oct. 1,1918 We are in camp. Got a good bunk. -44-- Weds. Oct. 2 Was over in Benoit Nause and Pierrefette. Bought ( y stuff. Thurs. Oct. 3 Got a good stove today just like a kitchen range. Frid. Oct. 4 Were in (Heippes) today. Bought some chocolate today. Par bien. Sat. Oct. 5 Went on 3 hr. hike this morning. Saw 79th div. on road. Sun. Oct. 6 Clocks turned ahead one hour last night at midnight to conform with winter time. Rumour is we may move tonight but nothing is certain. NOTE: Paul Mansfield received a Purple Heart for being wounded from a gas bomb during a raid. This may be the reason the diary ends so abruptly. At the end of the war, I am told, Paul wanted to get to Paris to get home. The lack of transportation prompted him and a couple of his buddies to steal a train and take it to the city. A short stay in the army stockade ended his european tour. (Clothing & equipment listed in back of diary) 3 pr. socks #11 1 belt 1 first aid pouch & kit 1 canteen & cover 1 tent pole & pins & rope 1 slicker 1 pair shoes size 101 1 respirator 1 french mask 1 OD shirt 141 1 holster 1 hat overseas 7 1/2 1 clip carrier 1 automatic belt 2 ( ) underwear #38 (letter enclosed with diary) HEADQUARTERS 26th DIVISION AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, France, October 16, 1918 GENERAL ORDERS No. 88 EXTRACT 5. During an attack by the enemy against our position at XIVRAY-MARVOISIN on June 16,1918, the following named officers and men distinguished themselves by their coolness and courage under fire, and the Division Commander is pleased to cite them in orders for their gallant conduct on this occasion. Private Paul C. Mansfield, Company D,103rd Machine Gun Battalion (signed) C.R. Edwards Major General, Commanding. || This is the diary of a distinguished American soldier from Connecticut from October, 1917 until October, 1918.
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