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Papiers d'Abbadie. Correspondances et documents sur la famille d'Abbadie et sur l'Éthiopie (XVIe-XIXe siècle). VI Correspondance d'Antoine et d'Arnauld d'Abbadie sur leurs voyages en Abyssinie (1839-1849).

Item 469

Transcription: I must take up the [arab] again as the European ink comes through this thin paper I deserve not to [...?] Dr Beke's motives in what he did.  Man is fallible; and as a necessary consequence his conduct is sometimes inconsistent: and I can imagine that Dr Beke was perfectly sincere in his first relations with M. d'Abbadie when he made his acquaintance during their journey together to Aden in 1840, and that he was influenced by a sense of public duty alone, when he merged to the opinions of M. d'Abbadie which he then, under the privilege of private conversation, to which he himself alludes, had acquired, in the unreserved expressions of an official document, which was necessarily to influence others  in their treatment of M. d'Abbadie, should [...?] for taking particular steps with respect to him [...?].  Dr Beke might have greatly regretted that circumstances should have impelled him to that course; But still his regret would in no way have compensated M. d'Abbadie for the annoyance which his (Dr Beke) assumed obligations, at M. d'Abbadie's expense, to Majr Harris [...?] upon him and M. d'Abbadie [...?] [...?] complains of his having been made the victim of this public act of loyalty of Dr Beke. the above is about 1/6 of the introduction put

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Papiers d'Abbadie. Correspondances et documents sur la famille d'Abbadie et sur l'Éthiopie (XVIe-XIXe siècle). VI Correspondance d'Antoine et d'Arnauld d'Abbadie sur leurs voyages en Abyssinie (1839-1849).

Item 468

Transcription: 62 270 3 Garden Ct Temple Decr 7th 1848 My dear d'Abbadie, [arab] to the original of which by [arab] [...?] [...?]  the liberty of adding the second word [...?] cutting me a phrase in eastern token of the pleasure which I experienced on receipt of your letter from Cahireh [arab] and which Mr Dilke Junr of the Athenæum himself brought to me the day before yesterday. I am glad that a copy of the G.S.'s Journal contains the abridgment of my paper on your [...?] has fallen in your way, as I should have [...?] myself [...?] negligent if I had discovered you to be [...?] without having seen, because I had omitted to send to you, what I had written of you.  The abridgment contains somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 of the original paper which was send in [...?] before the society.  A great portion of the first par contained a defence of your personal position which had been attacked in whispers and by indirect means by those who in [...?] appeared as your scientific opponents.  I am happy to think that the effect of the paper was quite  successful as I know that the President of the Society took it home and carefully read it through before it was read [...?] to the Society and if I may judge from after conversations with him much [...?] had been removed - Dr Beek's [...?] [...?] of his reports to Major Harris (who is now dead) [...?] met as [...?]   Dr Beke [...?] [...?] observed that as the mesrs D'Abbadie have never come into communication with British authorities since the year 1841, the report upon them made by him to Major Harris towards th conclusion of that year, cold not possibly have operated to establish opinions of them which [...?] before the date of his report.  No: but it might have tended to confirm and perpetuate those opinions, and to cause misrepresentations of the M.M. d'Abbadie to the world as may be proved by a reference to page 347 of the Commercial Tariffs printed by the Board of Trade and presented to the Houses of Parliament in 1843, nearly 2 years after the date of Dr Beke's report; and it is [...?] that there [...?] of misrepresentation no matter by whom and from what source, which  has been to [...?] to M. d'Abbadie and of which he has a right to complain

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Lettres adressées à Antoine d'Abbadie durant son séjour en Abyssinie ; la dernière pièce du volume est constituée par la copie de la sourate al-Fatiha.

Item 19

Transcription: عيني اعيانه وفخر اقرانه محبنا المحتثم الخواجه مخايل ابن بادي الفرنساوي دام بخير بعد مزيد الشوق الي مشاهدة راءياكم وصلنا كيتاب لي محبنا بمن تصل الفرنساوي واوصاته بجميع طايفتكم اننا نقوم بما يرضاكم ان شا لله نحنا تايمين نجد منكم فلان في جناب يعقوب وقبطان المركب وصلو عندنا في مصواع وهم بخير وعافيه وقايمين في خدمتهم لاكن سمعنا خبر وحقيقه انهم راحوه على نايب يحيه وهو رجل معزول ولا له امر في البر والبحر وخلونا احنا المتولين بأمر الدوله وامور البر والبحر مسؤل منا ومرادهم يخرجو الحبش بطريق 

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Lettres adressées à Antoine d'Abbadie durant son séjour en Abyssinie ; la dernière pièce du volume est constituée par la copie de la sourate al-Fatiha.

109 Items

Description: Korʾan (al) || Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution. || || Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution. || Korʾan (al)

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Tagebücher Hans Beck-Mannagetta

16 Items

Description: Johannes Franz Josef Beck-Mannagetta 1883-1935. Christian Beck-Manngetta ist der Grossneffe von Hans Beck-Mannagetta. es sind sieben Kreigstagebücher || Sieben Tagebücher mit Bleistifteintragungen Nr. 1 vom 25. Oktober 1914-31.12.1914 Polen Russland N2. 2 vom 31. Dezember 1914 bis 22. März 1915 Polen russland Nr. 3. vom 22. März 1915 bis 11. Mai 1915 Polen Russland Nr. 4. vom 24. Juli 1915 bis 3. November 1915 italienische Front und Serbien Nr. 5. vom 5 November 1915bis 12. Dezember 1915 italienische Front und Serbien# Nr. 6.vom 12. Dezember 1915-1916 Serbien und Montenegro Nr 7. vom 22. Februar 1916 bis 6. März 1916 Serbien Montenegro ACHTUNG es gibt ein WORD DOKUMENT mit einer Auflistung der Tagebücher

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1917: Ruthenensiedlung in den Karpaten --- 1917: Ruthenian village in the Carpathians

1 Item

Description: 1917: Ruthenensiedlung in den Karpaten. Menschen unterhalten sich vor einem Geschäft. 1917: Ruthenian village in the Carpathians. People are talking in front of a shop.

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